Agenda item

1st Quarter Revenue and Capital Monitoring Report 2024/25

Report attached.


Report: Cabinet approval of the 1st Quarter Revenue and Capital Monitoring Report 2024/25


Presented by: Councillor Chris Wilkins, Cabinet Member for Finance



1.    Noted the revenue monitoring position for the Council and the financing of the overspend (section 8 of the report).

2.    Noted the Capital monitoring position for 24/25 as set out in section 9 of the report.

3.    Noted the progress towards delivery of the 2024/25 savings as set out in section 6.4 of the report.


Report: Cabinet approval of the 1st Quarter Revenue and Capital Monitoring Report 2024/25


Presented by: Councillor Chris Wilkins, Cabinet Member for Finance




The report provided an update on Period 3 revenue and capital monitoring position of the Council and included commentary on the variances to budget by service. The report also included an update on corporate items and progress on delivery of savings. The report included a section that outlined the progress on the capital programme as at 30th June 2024.



1.    Noted the revenue monitoring position for the Council and the financing of the overspend (section 8 of the report).

2.    Noted the Capital monitoring position for 24/25 as set out in section 9 of the report.

3.    Noted the progress towards delivery of the 2024/25 savings as set out in section 6.4 of the report.

Supporting documents: