Agenda item

Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2012-14


Councillor Steven Kelly, Cabinet Member for Individuals, introduced the report.


The report before Members outlined the 8 priorities of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy (attached in full as an appendix to the report).  It was announced that the intention of the strategy was to improve the health of the population in areas where Havering’s performance was worse than the regional or national average.  The strategy focused on prevention and targeting people most at risk.  It also had a specific priority focussing on improving the quality of health services in Havering.


Each section of the strategy identified specific actions for delivery and targets for measuring performance improvement.


Prior to its consideration by the Cabinet, the Strategy had been endorsed by the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board.


Reasons for the decision:

The Council has a prospective duty to produce a Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The version before Cabinet had been progressed to an advanced stage and it was therefore considered appropriate to ratify this to assist the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in their authorisation process.


Other options considered:

The current draft version could be used as a working document and would still suffice for the CCG authorisation process.


The Council could have waited until the legislative changes had been made and the finalised guidance produced.


This had been rejected because it was considered more appropriate that the Council formally endorse the plan to be submitted by the CCG.


Cabinet AGREED the content of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and formally endorsed its implementation.



Supporting documents: