Agenda item

DLUHC Productivity Plan


Report: DLUHC Productivity Plan


Presented by: Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of the Council




Approved the Productivity Plan.



Report: DLUHC Productivity Plan


Presented by: Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of the Council




The Government is reviewing productivity across all public services and local government is included in this exercise. The recent Local Government Finance Settlement announced that councils would be asked to produce productivity plans. A letter received 16th April 2024 formally started that process with a submission deadline for plans on the 19th July 2024.


Local Government have done a huge amount in recent years to improve productivity and efficiency, however, lock down and the more recent cost of living crisis have proved challenging. The productivity plan has been requested of all councils and will help DLUHC understand what is working well, and what more is needed to unlock future opportunities and any gaps.


This is a particular challenge for Havering council, due to the significant systemic underfunding since 2020 and the low costs, actions already taken to date.




Approved the Productivity Plan.


Supporting documents: