Agenda item
Future Management of Brittons 3G Pitch
- Meeting of Cabinet, Wednesday, 11th December, 2024 7.00 pm (Item 21.)
- View the background to item 21.
Report attached.
Authorised the Head of Leisure and Culture, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Resources and the Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing to:
a. Make an application to the Community Infrastructure Fund and to external funders for the funds necessary as partnership funding, progress the feasibility study to substantiate an application to the Football Foundation for further grant funding and to progress the preliminary design work necessary for an application for planning permission.
b. Subject to (a) above being satisfactorily achieved, to make an application for planning permission to allow for development of the land including and around the existing 3G pitch at Brittons Playing Fields into a “football hub” comprising of two additional 3G pitches and ancillary facilities.
c. Subject to (b) above being satisfactorily achieved, to submit a funding application to the Football Foundation in conjunction with the National Football Trust.
d. Subject to (a)-(c) above being satisfactorily completed to negotiate and finalise all required documentation for implementation of this decision (for the avoidance of doubt to include any lease, management agreement and any further documentation / agreements which may be required by the Football Foundation).
e. Subject to (a)-(d) above being satisfactorily completed (so that the development of the football hub is legally permissible and fully funded) to tender the construction of the football hub facilities and appoint a contractor to build the facilities
f. If sufficient partnership funding is not secured to apply for Football Foundation funding, report to Cabinet to agree next steps.
g. Subject to (a)-(f) being satisfactorily completed to: (i) conclude that the Land is no longer required for the purpose for which it is currently held; (ii) appropriate the land for planning purposes pursuant to section 122(1) of the Local Government Act 1972; (iii) deal with all matters related or incidental to the appropriation of the Land.
Report: Future Management of Brittons 3G Pitch
Presented by: Councillor Gillian Ford, Cabinet Members of Adult Service
Summary: The Brittons Playing Field 3G pitch is currently managed on a day-to-day basis by Brittons Academy. The proposed future management of the 3G pitch contained within this report is in order to maximise usage and the potential health and wellbeing benefits of a football hub with an additional two 3G pitches and ancillary facilities.
The recommendation to develop a football hub, with an additional two 3G pitches subject to funding, would require the Brittons Playing Field site to be leased to a special purpose vehicle, the National Football Trust (NFT) who would then appoint their subsidiary, Leisure United, to operate the new football hub.
Authorised the Head of Leisure and Culture, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Resources and the Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing to:
a. Make an application to the Community Infrastructure Fund and to external funders for the funds necessary as partnership funding, progress the feasibility study to substantiate an application to the Football Foundation for further grant funding and to progress the preliminary design work necessary for an application for planning permission.
b. Subject to (a) above being satisfactorily achieved, to make an application for planning permission to allow for development of the land including and around the existing 3G pitch at Brittons Playing Fields into a “football hub” comprising of two additional 3G pitches and ancillary facilities.
c. Subject to (b) above being satisfactorily achieved, to submit a funding application to the Football Foundation in conjunction with the National Football Trust.
d. Subject to (a)-(c) above being satisfactorily completed to negotiate and finalise all required documentation for implementation of this decision (for the avoidance of doubt to include any lease, management agreement and any further documentation / agreements which may be required by the Football Foundation).
e. Subject to (a)-(d) above being satisfactorily completed (so that the development of the football hub is legally permissible and fully funded) to tender the construction of the football hub facilities and appoint a contractor to build the facilities
f. If sufficient partnership funding is not secured to apply for Football Foundation funding, report to Cabinet to agree next steps.
g. Subject to (a)-(f) being satisfactorily completed to: (i) conclude that the Land is no longer required for the purpose for which it is currently held; (ii) appropriate the land for planning purposes pursuant to section 122(1) of the Local Government Act 1972; (iii) deal with all matters related or incidental to the appropriation of the Land.
Supporting documents:
- 7.0 FINAL Cabinet 11.12.2024 Future Management of Brittons 3G, item 21. PDF 280 KB
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 21./2 is restricted
- 7.2 Appendix A - Brittons PF Potential lease area., item 21. PDF 11 MB