Agenda item

Tenancy Policy




Approved the Housing Services – Tenancy policy.





Report: Housing Services – Tenancy Policy


Presented by: Councillor Paul McGeary, Cabinet Member for Housing & Property



This policy outlines our approach to providing a fair and transparent tenancy management service, reflecting our commitment to provide secure, high-quality housing and ensure that our residents have a safe and comfortable home. 

The need for a Tenancy Policy is a requirement of social housing reforms set out in the Localism Act 2011 and is a requirement of the Regulatory Framework for Social Housing.

The policy reforms include the introduction of the right to issue tenancies for a fixed length of time and changes to the rights of succession. 

This aims to give social housing providers greater flexibility in making best use of their stock and Affordable Rent Tenure Options (affordable rent means up to 80% of the local market rent) to increase rental income and in turn maximise the supply of homes.

This policy sets out how Havering Council (‘the landlord’) use the range of options available in the Localism Act to assist in meeting its strategic aims, outlining:

·        the use of different tenancy types to ensure the best use of valuable social housing stock

·        different tenancy types and the circumstances under which they will be offered

·        tenancy management

·        the process for starting and ending a tenancy

·        ensuring tenancies are sustainable

·        how we help our vulnerable tenants




Approved the Housing Services – Tenancy policy.



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