Agenda item
Report of Overview & Scrutiny Board - Parking Enforcement Task & Finish Group
Report Title: Report of Overview and Scrutiny Board - Parking Enforcement Task and Finish Group |
Presented by: Councillor Barry Mugglestone, Cabinet Lead for Environment |
Endorses the responses to the questions raised by the group, where further actions were suggested, these will be progressed accordingly.
Report Title: Report of Overview and Scrutiny Board - Parking Enforcement Task and Finish Group |
Presented by: Councillor Barry Mugglestone, Cabinet Lead for Environment |
The report before Cabinet recommends:
“That, in accordance with the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, Cabinet considers the report and whether to adopt the recommendations within it. The Cabinet is further requested to give its reasons for not adopting any of the report’s recommendations.”
To allow Cabinet to fully consider the comments by OSB I have asked officers to prepare a presentation, responding to those points considered by the Task and Finish Groups. I will now ask Imran Kazalbash to present that.
After that, as per normal I will invite comments and questions from Cabinet and thereafter from Group Leaders.
Leader’s response;
“Cabinet considered the report submitted by the Overview and Scrutiny Board in relation to parking enforcement.
“Cabinet considered the underlying grounds of requisition in open session of Cabinet by way of officer presentation and subsequent questioning of the appropriate officers.
“Having considered the matter, Cabinet hereby acknowledges the good work of the task and finish group and endorses the responses to the questions raised by the group as set out within the attached supplementary agenda. Where further actions are suggested, these will be progressed accordingly.”
Supporting documents:
9.0 Parking enforcement - Cabinet cover report, item 202.
PDF 128 KB
9.1 Report, item 202.
PDF 153 KB
SUPP OSSB Parking Group Office Comments to Report 16.05.24 R1, item 202.
PDF 390 KB