Agenda item

Council Revenue and Capital Outturn Report 2023/24


Report:  Council Revenue and Capital Outturn Report  2023/24

Presented by: Councillor Chris Wilkins (Cabinet Member for Finance)


1.                   Executive Summary


1.1.             This Report sets out the revenue outturn position for the Council and includes commentary on the variances to budget by service. The report also includes explanation of mitigating corporate items and explains how the outturn position will be financed.


1.2.             The report also sets out the Capital outturn for 2023/24 compared to revised budget and explains the variances and slippage on the budget.


1.3.             The table included sets out the final revenue outturn position of the Council which is a £18.1m overspend. This table also provides a comparison to the Period 9 forecast which was submitted to cabinet in March


1.4.             Further details of the reported variances are set out in Section 4 of this report. There are then sections setting out the Corporate position, including Treasury management.




1.5.             Noted the revenue outturn position for the Council and the financing of the overspend (section 8 of the report)


2.2       Approved the Capital Outturn position for 23/24 as set out in section 9 of this report


2.3       Noted the outturn position for the Council’s earmarked reserves and General balances as set out in section 7 of this report


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