Agenda item

The Council's Consultation Policy

Report attached.


Report: Cabinet approval of the Consultation Policy


Presented by: Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of the Council


Cabinet Approved the Consultation policy.


Report: Cabinet approval of the Consultation Policy


Presented by: Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of the Council



The aim of the policy was to provide guiding principles and quality standards for consultation activities thereby promoting best practice to those officers engaged in consultation and ensuring that there was a consistent approach to these activities across the Council. 


Within the overall aim, the following were the key objectives:


·       To maximise stakeholder engagement by making consultation activities as inclusive as possible.


·       To develop the Council’s services to meet the range of needs of our residents, businesses, communities and service users.


·       To co-ordinate consultation, develop best practice and centralise data and information.


·       Through better co-ordination, reduce repetition, duplication and consultation fatigue.


·       To develop the Council’s ability to make effective use of consultation techniques.


·       To maximise equality of consultation.


·       To maximise opportunities for consultation.


·       To better engage with groups we seldom hear from or those we may find hard to reach.


·       To comply with the Equality Act 2010, the Data Protection Act 1998 and other relevant legislation.



Cabinet Approved the Consultation policy.

Supporting documents: