Agenda item

Havering Healthy Weight Strategy 2024 -2029: Everybody's Business


Report Title: Havering Healthy Weight Strategy 2024-2029: Everybody’s Business

Presented by: Councillor Gillian Ford, Cabinet Member for Adults & Wellbeing



Approved and will adopt the Havering Healthy Weight Strategy 2024-2029: Everybody’s Business



Report Title: Havering Healthy Weight Strategy 2024-2029: Everybody’s Business

Presented by: Councillor Gillian Ford, Cabinet Member for Adults & Wellbeing


Obesity rates in Havering are very high for both children and adults, either similar or above the London and England averages, and they look set to get worse. The problem of overweight and obesity is cutting lives short, and negatively impacting the quality of life of Havering residents. Prevention is a key priority for Havering Council and the NHS, as set out in the Havering Corporate Plan, the Havering Health and Wellbeing Board’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019/20–2023/24 and the Havering Place Based Partnership’s Interim Health and Care Strategy.


It is a common misconception that individuals are completely in control of their own weight and that an overweight problem is entirely the result of personal choices. Over recent years it has become increasingly evident that obesity is a much more complex issue, and one that is caused by multiple factors that interact with each other; the modern-day changes in the circumstances where we live, work and play that now make us more likely to opt for unhealthy options of foods and less likely to be physically active. In short, it is largely the circumstances where we live, known as ’the system’, that has resulted in the increasing rates of overweight and obesity.


The scale and complexity of the problem means that the Council, the local NHS, and stakeholders must work together to change the system.


Over 100 local partners came together for two healthy weight summits to identify the system-wide factors that are contributing to overweight and obesity in Havering, and to consider the solutions. The work from these summits, and wider engagement, contributed to the development of a draft five-year healthy weight strategy on taking a whole systems approach, and a twenty-year vision for the Borough.


The resultant draft strategy (including an easy read version), an obesity needs assessment, and information videos were published on the Havering Council’s Consultation and Engagement Hub.  A public consultation took place from 17 January to 3 March 2024 when residents and stakeholders were invited to comment.


The public consultation resulted in a total 660 responses received.  Analysis of the responses showed that there was overall support for the strategy approach.  Most of the feedback was concerned with implementation of the strategy (i.e. actions to be taken to deliver the approach).


This decision paper was prepared before the Health and Wellbeing Board meets on 3 April 2024; it is anticipated that members will indicate their support for the final draft of the strategy.


Approved and agreed to adopt the Havering Healthy Weight Strategy 2024-2029: Everybody’s Business


Supporting documents: