Agenda item

Havering Climate Change Action Plan 2024-27

Revised Havering Climate Change Action Plan (HCCAP) 2024-27


Please find below the following comments from the Place Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee for inclusion in the Cabinet Report pack


The sub-committee support the Approval and adoption of the revised HCCAP 2024-27.


The Sub-Committee also ask that:


·        Could Cabinet consider an action around promoting greywater and rainwater harvesting.


·        Could Cabinet consider how the plan may incorporate green energy generation.




Report: Revised Havering Climate Change Action Plan (HCCAP) 2024-27


Introduced by:  Councillor Keith Darvill, Cabinet Member for Climate Change




Approved and adopted the revised HCCAP 2024-27 in Appendix 1.






Report: Revised Havering Climate Change Action Plan (HCCAP) 2024-27


Introduced by:  Councillor Keith Darvill, Cabinet Member for Climate Change


This report presents the revised Havering Climate Change Action Plan (HCCAP) 2024-27 which is attached as Appendix 1. It builds on the actions introduced in the HCCAP in 2021 and provides a framework for the Council’s actions to deliver on its target of becoming carbon neutral by 2040 or sooner.

This is an evolving framework, and the Council will continue to update the approach over time; as targets change, new data becomes available, and following major Government decarbonisation strategies. Havering Council has a solid data base and a robust intelligence hub which leads the coordination and development of applied data.


The HCCAP is primarily focussed on actions to reduce greenhouse gases, but interlinks closely with a range of other Council strategies such as:


·        Local Plan.

·        Parks and Open Spaces Strategy.

·        Health & Wellbeing Strategy.

·        Cycling and Walking Strategy.

·        Air Quality Action Plan.

·        Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy.

·        Reduction & Recycling Plan.




Approved and adopted the revised HCCAP 2024-27 in Appendix 1.




Supporting documents: