Agenda item


Report and appendices attached.


A report of the Monitoring Officer proposed a number of changes to the Constitution that had been suggested by the Constitution Working Party. It was noted that it was not anticipated that the changes referred to in the report would be brought to Full Council for final approval until the revised Scheme of Delegation was also ready to be approved. This would allow all the changes to be introduced together in a coherent fashion.


The changes agreed by Governance Committee, together with any relevant comments made by Members, are shown below:


Licensing Committee


Members felt that the proposed changes in the report were too wordy. It was AGREED that relevant sections of the Constitution should be amended to read as follows:


Part 2, Annex 2


2: Licensing Committee


2.2 Licensing Sub-Committees should be politically balanced where possible.


9. (iv) Sub-Committees or Hearings Panels should be politically balanced where possible.


Access to Information


It was AGREED that the revised Part 4.1 of the Constitution covering Access to Information Procedure Rules should be approved.




Officers confirmed that the OneSource Joint Committee still existed for Legal, Exchequer and Transactional which remained part of OneSource. The role of the Joint Committee itself was also under review. It was NOTED that it was proposed to delete the OneSource delegations from the Constitution with the exception of those relating to Exchequer & Transactional. Further details would be included in the Scheme of Delegations report which would be presented to Governance Committee at a future point.


Member Code of Conduct


Members felt that the proposed timescale for dealing with correspondence was not realistic and could not be introduced, at least until a casework management system had been introduced. It was therefore AGREED that the relevant section of part 5.1 of the Constitution should read as follows:


As a Member of the Council, each Member will in particular address the statutory principles of the code of conduct by:

Dealing with representations or enquiries from residents, members of local communities and visitors promptly, fairly, appropriately and impartially.


It was further AGREED that the revised version of the Social Media Protocol as appended to the report and that the relevant section of part 5.1 of the Constitution be amended to read:


Members will be expected to comply with the Council’s policies on Equality in Employment, Equality in Service Provision, Harassment and Bullying at Work as well as the Council’s Social Media Protocol.


Flags and Lighting Up Policy


It was AGREED that Armed Forces Day should be included as an example of a day when flags should be flown. Enquiries would also be made as to the current name of the Royal Anglian Regiment.


Other than the amendment shown above, it was AGREED that the revised Flag Flying and Special Lighting Policy, as appended to the report, be approved.


Recording Executive Decisions


Members felt that the Council’s current process for recording Executive Decisions was very effective. The Executive Decision guidance note as  appended to the report was therefore NOTED.




It was confirmed that the portfolio for Councillor Gillian Ford should read Adults and Wellbeing rather than as stated and that the portfolio for Councillor Oscar Ford should read Children and Young People rather than as stated. The reallocated Cabinet portfolios as shown in the report were otherwise NOTED.


It was also AGREED that the revised Constitution should be submitted to full Council for approval in due course.








Supporting documents: