Agenda item

OneSource ICT Decoupling and creation of a Sovereign IT Service for Havering


Report:  OneSource ICT Decoupling and creation of a Sovereign IT Service for Havering


Presented by: Councillor Paul Middleton, Portfolio Lead for Resources


2.1     Cabinet approved the following strategic actions:



2.1.1      The establishing of the Havering Sovereign IT Service by December 2025, marking the conclusion of OneSource IT's services to Havering. Transition to a new hybrid IT service, optimised for cost-effectiveness, with potential residual shared services governed by inter-authority agreements when beneficial.


2.1.2      Adoption of a structured programme comprising three distinct workstreams to realise sovereign IT Services for Havering and Newham. Each borough will oversee its respective work stream to ensure tailored outcomes, while the third will prepare OneSource's infrastructure for a seamless handover. This collaborative yet independent approach safeguards against service disruption during the transition.


2.1.3      Repurpose approved capital set aside for “Evergreening Capital” programmes to focus on improving and modernising IT infrastructure and services as part of that handover process, where it is possible to do so within time and budget constraints.


2.1.4      LBH authorisation that the s.151 Officer, in consultation with the Chief       Executive, to make all necessary arrangements to give effect to the authorisation at 2.1 above, including but not limited to:


a)   Implementing the HR and other operational processes to give effect to the recommendations.

b)   Agreeing the dates for the withdrawal of the joint ICT service.

c)   Agreeing, amending and finalising any variation or variations to the Agreement and the delegations contained therein as necessary to give effect to 2.1 above, and thereafter to sign and complete any variation on behalf of LBH.

d)   Making arrangements to receive staff into LBH as a result of the amendments to the Agreement.

e)   Making arrangements to allow LBH to share some of the proposed withdrawn services for a transitional period beyond the agreed date of implementation whilst permanent arrangements are put in place within LBH.

f)     Making arrangements to provide a support service to the retained One Source services.

g)   To prepare and/or receive and thereafter agree and set the investment case for the ICT function.

h)   To delegate the authority to conduct procurement, award, and enter into contracts associated with the recommendations in this report in coordination with the Portfolio Lead for Resources.




Report:  OneSource ICT Decoupling and creation of a Sovereign IT Service for Havering


Presented by: Councillor Paul Middleton, Portfolio Lead for Resources


Report Summary:


1.1      In April 2023 the London Borough of Havering and London Borough of Newham decided to separate from the OneSource IT service, associated shared infrastructure and create their own IT service.


1.2      Both councils are on shared IT infrastructure, much of which is end of life and requires investment to modernise and improve. This infrastructure is unreliable and limits the Council’s ability to modernise and achieve its corporate priorities. The separation of oneSource IT will be achieved when the Council has migrated off this shared IT infrastructure onto its own dedicated modern IT infrastructure and services.


1.3      The work to undertake the decouple is by nature a joint activity with Newham, as any activities relating to the shared infrastructure and the shared IT support team will require joint coordination and agreement.


1.4      This report outlines the approach that will be taken to create the Havering IT service, manage the infrastructure and service decoupling and receive the handover of IT services from OneSource onto a dedicated (improved where required) infrastructure.


1.5      The Havering IT Service will be delivered by a hybrid of in-house staff and supplier provided services. This approach will allow us to maintain internal points of contact, maximise previous investment and control over supplier-maintained services.


1.6      Havering’s Corporate Plan 22/23-26/27 sets out actions required for the Council to be “digitally enabled” including:


         Refresh the Council IT hardware and move to the cloud where appropriate.

         Increase the Council’s digital offer to its residents and workforce.

         Ensure that the Council’s Cyber security is as robust as it can be.


These key deliverables have helped shape the recommendations in this report.


1.7      This report seeks approval on the above approach to separate from the OneSource joint IT service and the creation of Havering’s Sovereign IT Service and confirmed revision of the delegations therein. An equivalent report is also being taken through Newham’s formal decision-making process.








2.1     Cabinet approved the following strategic actions:



2.1.1      The establishing of the Havering Sovereign IT Service by December 2025, marking the conclusion of OneSource IT's services to Havering. Transition to a new hybrid IT service, optimised for cost-effectiveness, with potential residual shared services governed by inter-authority agreements when beneficial.


2.1.2      Adoption of a structured programme comprising three distinct workstreams to realise sovereign IT Services for Havering and Newham. Each borough will oversee its respective work stream to ensure tailored outcomes, while the third will prepare OneSource's infrastructure for a seamless handover. This collaborative yet independent approach safeguards against service disruption during the transition.


2.1.3      Repurpose approved capital set aside for “Evergreening Capital” programmes to focus on improving and modernising IT infrastructure and services as part of that handover process, where it is possible to do so within time and budget constraints.


2.1.4      LBH authorisation that the s.151 Officer, in consultation with the Chief       Executive, to make all necessary arrangements to give effect to the authorisation at 2.1 above, including but not limited to:


a)   Implementing the HR and other operational processes to give effect to the recommendations.

b)   Agreeing the dates for the withdrawal of the joint ICT service.

c)   Agreeing, amending and finalising any variation or variations to the Agreement and the delegations contained therein as necessary to give effect to 2.1 above, and thereafter to sign and complete any variation on behalf of LBH.

d)   Making arrangements to receive staff into LBH as a result of the amendments to the Agreement.

e)   Making arrangements to allow LBH to share some of the proposed withdrawn services for a transitional period beyond the agreed date of implementation whilst permanent arrangements are put in place within LBH.

f)     Making arrangements to provide a support service to the retained One Source services.

g)   To prepare and/or receive and thereafter agree and set the investment case for the ICT function.

h)   To delegate the authority to conduct procurement, award, and enter into contracts associated with the recommendations in this report in coordination with the Portfolio Lead for Resources.



Supporting documents: