Agenda item

Review of Children's Centres


Councillor Paul Rochford, Cabinet Member for Children & Learning, introduced the report


The report before Cabinet presented the findings from the recent consultation on a review of Children Centres, which proposed the merger of Children Centre activities around 6 hub sites that took place between 15 October 2012 and 4 January 2013.


It was noted that alternative operators (such as Schools and Libraries) would run and maintain the other smaller and less-used sites, which would be decommissioned as Children Centres, but continue to provide early years services such as pre-school provision.


Overall, the consultation responses received were supportive of the proposals which Cabinet was asked to approve.


            Reasons for the decision

Alongside the background evidence base, feedback from the consultation suggests support for the merger of Centres as indicated. Consultation feedback as detailed in stakeholder consultation minutes attached also indicated that Chippenham Road should remain open as a Children’s Centre.


The implementation of the proposal would continue the delivery of service provision to a high standard without affecting current staffing levels and allow for closer co-location of staff to deliver targeted and preventative services for families.


Children’s Centres would still offer free services to all, although resources will be mainly focused on more targeted and specialist work with families. Wherever possible, the voluntary sector and parent volunteers will continue to be encouraged to deliver these services, supported with training where necessary or families signposted to other opportunities in the area.


The proposals would ensure:

·           Havering continued to meet its statutory duty to have sufficient centres to meet local need

·           (demand at the larger Hub Centres is far higher as detailed in the evidence section, and positive infomal feedback has been received from Department for Education on initial proposals).

·           That the impact on local communities would be minimal, due to the provision of alternative early years services from former sites. Increased outreach provision will also ensure that services are accessible and all communities can be served.

·           Provision of local childcare, particularly given significant recent increases in the early years population in Havering are likely to increase placement demand. The proposals will also help the Council implement its Childcare Sufficiency Audit Objectivesand provide additional free places for two year olds from vulnerable families.









            Table 2 Proposed Timeline




Friday 15th February, or as soon as possible if the report is called in

Cabinet considers and approves proposals..


Proposals are sent formally to Department for Education for sign off.


Building condition surveys completed and all other technical queries asked by schools are answered.


Following any Cabinet approval, consultation feedback, alongside final proposals are distributed at Children Centres and on-line.


Friday 1st March

Legal agreements with schools/libraries are finalised and transfer preparations commence.


Any amendments are made based on Department for Education’s formal response to site-specific proposals.

Tuesday 2nd April

Centres are deregistered and formerly transfer to new operators.


Summer term / holiday


Schools begin commence early years activities from sites, modify buildings as needed, and develop a variety pre-school offers to open from September 2013.




Other options considered

Alternative options considered included:


1.      Keep all centres open - this is not a long-term option. It would mean staff resources remain over-stretched across multiple sites and are unable to deliver a new targeted and early help service. In addition, this option would not allow the Service to make financial savings.


2.      Keep Hilldene Children’s Centre rather Chippenham Road open. This would be unattractive because

o   Consultation findings and background evidence reveal the Chippenham Centre is well use, popular and should remain open.

o   It is in a central and densely populated area.

o   Due to the high rent costs, alternative early years provision (such as pre-school provision) is not financial. Without alternative early years provision from the site, DfE would be entitled to claw back Sure Start capital grant.

o   In comparison, Hilldene Primary School is interested in using Hilldene Children’s Centre for pre-school provision and family activities.


A number of questions were fielded concerning the impact of the proposals on existing provision and what the proposed provision would have on existing and future service users, particularly alongside the provision of early intervention.




1.      Noted the comments received and the overall findings from the consultation on the review of Children’s Centres.


2.      Approved the decommissioning of the following Children’s Centres and the services currently provided within them to be transferred to the remaining hub sites by 2 April 2013, subject to receiving final approval from the Department for Education:

·         Airfield

·         Harold Court

·         Hilldene

·         Pyrgo

·         South Hornchurch

·         Thistledene

·         Upminster


3.      Approved the continued provision of services from the following larger hub centres:

·         Collier Row

·         Chippenham Road

·         Elm Park

·         Ingrebourne

·         St Kildas

·         Rainham Village

Supporting documents: