Agenda item

Serious Violence Duty Strategy


Report: Serious Violence Duty Strategy


Presented by Councillor Barry Mugglestone, Cabinet Member for Environment


Cabinet approved the Serious Violence Duty Strategy 2024-2027.



Report: Serious Violence Duty Strategy


Presented by Councillor Barry Mugglestone, Cabinet Member for Environment


The Serious Violence Strategy focuses on addressing serious violence, including youth violence and exploitation, weapon-enabled crime, domestic and sexual violence. A thorough Strategic Needs Assessment has been completed to drive our actions to prevent and reduce violence over the next three years.


1.1 This Strategy document has been produced as part of the requirements of the Serious Violence Duty, introduced by the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Act 2022.


1.2 The duty places several requirements upon local areas, including agreeing

a local partnership arrangement to lead on the duty, agreeing a definition of serious violence, having consistent data sharing, analytical processes to produce a Strategic Needs Assessment (SNA), and production of a Strategy to set out how the duty will be implemented locally.

1.3 A thorough needs assessment has been completed by a multi-agency working group of analysts; a summary is included within the Serious Violence Strategy. There is no requirement under the duty that we publish the full needs assessment; this will be made available to professionals and organisations working in the borough where requested.


1.4 The needs assessment outlines the key findings, gaps and makes five recommendations for tackling violence in the borough. These, and the views of the partnership gathered through a workshop in September 2023 have driven the eight initial actions set in the strategy. These are as follows:


Cabinet approved the Serious Violence Duty Strategy 2024-2027.


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