Agenda item


To discuss and agree a Havering SACRE determination process.


SACRE Members were advised that there had not been any requests for a determination in Havering, however a process needed to be in place should such a request be submitted. Prior to the meeting, SACRE Members had received the following documentation to use as a reference when considering a determination process for Havering: 


§     Determinations: Putting a system in place for your SACRE – Lesley Prior.


§     Determination process – London Borough of Ealing SACRE. 


§     Seeking a determination process – London Borough of Lewisham SACRE. 


Members worked in groups to review the information provided and share with the group any particular aspects that could be incorporated into the Havering process. A summary of the feedback received was provided below: 

§     A determination would last for 5 years however concern was shared that local demographics might change significantly over that period and, therefore could there be an option to change prior to the end of this period? 


§     Was there a possibility that schools were already just doing what they wanted in terms of collective worship, without seeking a formal determination? JDC advised that governors would be able to ascertain this as part of their monitoring. Previously HSIS (Havering School Improvement Service) had asked schools as part of their quality assurance meetings about collective worship, however this had discontinued post Covid. 


§     SACRE Members reiterated the importance of having a succinct process. It would be beneficial to include an explanation of the law as part of the request form, for ease of reference. 


§     Schools would likely access the documentation via the Havering Education Services portal. 


§     SACRE Members liked the checklist format and the flow chart.  


§     Consideration needed to be given for those, where English might not be their first language. 


§     The procedure should include expected timeframes for each stage of the process. 


§     It needed to be clear that seeking a determination was a serious request and contrary to law. JDC reiterated that Havering maintained schools followed the Agreed Syllabus which included learning about a number of different religious faiths. The determination was linked to collective worship and not the curriculum. 


§     SACRE Members recommended asking parents about the language spoken at home,from there; schools would have a greater idea of their religion. SN advised that parents born in the UK were more likely to be happy for their children to learn about all religions. Those parents who had moved from certain countries where the nature of that country allowed just one religion, might find it most daunting to allow their children to experience other religions. 


§     The procedure would be based on the request from the school, however it would be prudent to seek the views of parents. 


§     The procedure should include SACRE Members visiting the school to meet with staff and ask further questions about their consultation completed with stakeholders. 



SACRE Members felt reassured that they had enough information to form their own process. An update would be brought to the next meeting. 

ACTION: Chair / JDC 


Supporting documents: