Agenda item

Day Service Policy

Report and appendix attached.


Cabinet approved the Day Services Policy.


Cabinet was presented with the DAY SERVICE POLICY.


Report was introduced by Councillor Gillian Ford, Cabinet Member for Adults and Health.


A report before Cabinet to approve the Day Service Policy. The report outlined that Havering currently provides Day services for people with physical and learning disabilities aged 18 and over through Direct Payments and directly commissioned services.

The new policy seeks to address concerns and inconsistencies such as;

·         increasing fees and charges from private providers on an ad hoc and irregular basis – causing pressure for social workers,

·         an increase in demand for the Day services whereby current fees are equivalent to having a personal assistant.

The new Day Service Policy seeks to provide value for money, accountability while ensuring clarity and monitoring for quality standards.


The proposed policy supports the “Choice” agenda and increased support within communities within communities in Havering. This will be achieved through 3 pathways:

·         Specialist Day Services purchased by the Local Authority as a direct service for adults with profound and multiple learning, physical and sensory disabilities and high level physical needs (including personal care needs).

·         Supported Day Services purchased by the service user from their direct payment support package to meet their eligible social inclusion needs for adults with low, medium or high learning, physical and sensory disabilities.

·         Self-Supporting Community Activity which requires no support package for adults with low learning, physical and sensory disabilities.


A Member asked about the location of the proposed Day Service policy and how the Council will respond to transport facilities arrangements. Officers confirmed that existing Day Service centres will be used and a collaboration with community hubs to enhance connection and bring rigour back on how Havering Council works with providers of services. Transportation facilities will be provided on an assessment of needs basis. Residents will be encouraged to make their own way to the centres, this is part of empowering and enabling residents. It was clarified that the Day Services are located in Havering and this makes it easy for residents to move around.  The policy is not a one-size fit all and the focus is on how individuals will benefit from the services through the 3 pathways. Locations of residents will be taken into account as part of the accessibility process which is detailed in the report.


It was AGREED:

That Cabinet approved the Day Service Policy.


Supporting documents: