Agenda item
Authority Monitoring Report
1. APPROVED the publication of the AMR 2021-22
2. DELEGATED authority to the Assistant Director of Planning and Public Protection following consultation with the Lead member for Planning and Regeneration to publish future Authority Monitoring Reports on an annual basis.
Cabinet was presented with the Authority Monitoring Report
Report introduced by Councillor Graham Williamson
The Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) is a monitoring report based on indicators set out in the Havering Local Plan 2016-2031. The requirement for Local Authorities to produce an AMR is set out in section 113 of the Localism Act 2011.
1. Approved the publication of the AMR 2021-22
2. Delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Planning and Public Protection following consultation with the Lead member for Planning and Regeneration to publish future Authority Monitoring Reports on an annual basis.
Supporting documents:
10.0 AMR 2021-22 Cabinet March 23 Final, item 70.
PDF 156 KB
10.1 Appendix 1 - Authority Monitoring Report 2022, item 70.