Agenda item



SACRE Members worked in small groups to discuss Havering SACRE effectiveness using the SACRE self-evaluation form from NASACRE.

§  How far does SACRE’s partnership with the LA enable it to carry out its responsibilities effectively? It was noted that it would be great to have the Lead Officer from the LA to attend a SACRE meeting. There were however established links with the Interfaith Forum.

§  How effectively does the SACRE, in partnership with the LA, evaluate standards and the quality of provision for RE in schools? How effective are the strategies to improve standards and the quality of provision? The group felt that SACRE was effective at assisting schools who had recognised that the needed support and putting action plans into practice. Areas for development included being more pro-active about involving academies.

JDC advised that in some local authorities, SACRE Members would attend subject leader network meetings to offer their support and at times CPD. Members were therefore encouraged to contact JDC should they wish to attend such a meeting in the spring term. This would raise the profile of Havering SACRE and potentially encourage other teachers to join.

ACTION: Interested SACRE Members

§  The effectiveness of the locally agreed syllabus. It was noted that Havering SACRE was proficient at reviewing schools and all Members were encouraged to contribute to meetings. Areas of development including increasing diversity of membership and ensuring greater response from schools where not adequate information was available on their websites.

It was agreed that Havering SACRE would benefit from greater support in terms of education and therefore some approaches to practising teachers was recommended.

It was also agreed that from the next meeting, any Members who had not been in attendance for 3 meetings or more would be contacted to ask about their level of commitment. JDC advised that NASACRE had produced a list of national bodies who could be contacted to ask for representatives.

§  Collective Worship. Concern was shared about the lack of information from schools in certain cases. Clarification was sought with regards to the meaning of ‘determinations.’ JDC advised that determination was where a school applied to not have collective worship that is broadly Christian. Although there had been no determinations in Havering to date, a procedure should be established in case it was required. JDC would contact R Everett for any documentation that would be useful. It was noted that governors would be asked to monitor collective worship in their schools.


It was agreed that Collective Worship should be included as an item on the agenda to discuss at the next meeting.


§  Contribution of SACRE to promoting cohesion across the community. SACRE Members were enthusiastic about the role they played however barriers to success included achieving a quorate meeting and relationships with MATs.

The Chair asked Members to identify key areas of action following the completion of the SEF; these ideas would be collated by the Chair and brought to the next meeting. A scanned copy of the SEF would be distributed to SACRE Members.

ACTION: All Members / Chair / HGS


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