Agenda item


Report to follow.


A report presented to the committee a number of changes to the Constitution made by the Monitoring Officer under her powers as well as a series of other changes that would require the approval of full Council. The report also recommended that a cross party working group be established to undertake a full review of the Constitution.


It was noted that the proposed Constitution wording re the People Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee would need amending slightly at paragraph 4.4 as it was not mandatory that members of the Sub-Committee would automatically become members of the Corporate Parenting Panel.


It was hoped to complete any review of the Constitution by the end of the municipal year and periodic reviews of the Constitution would follow after that point. It was felt that this would give an opportunity to modernise the Constitution and make it clearer.


It was AGREED:


1.    That the changes made by the Monitoring Officer in Appendix 1 to the report be noted.

2.    That the proposed changes to the Constitution as shown in appendix 2 of the report be approved and recommended to Full Council.

3.    That a cross party working group (“the Constitution Review Working Group”) be established with a membership as recommended in paragraph 1.5 of the report, to undertake a full review of the Constitution.



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