Agenda item
Report attached.
Executive Appointments
The Committee agreed to ratify the appointments to the Executive positions that were filled by the relevant Lead Member. The full list is attached at Appendix 1.
Non-Executive Appointments
Essex Wildlife Trust (Bedfords Park Management Committee)
The Bedford Park Management Committee has not met for some time and in the event that meetings should resume, will only require Officer attendance. The Committee NOTED that Member appointments are therefore no longer required.
Havering Local Board
In March 2022, the Clerk to the Corporation wrote to the Council seeking a replacement for Mrs Sally Miller, who had not met the requisite attendance criteria to continue on the Board.
There was no requirement for the replacement to be an elected Member and the appointee could be a local community representative or an Officer.
The Board requested a representative with an interest and involvement in the community, ideally in the area around one of thethree campuses which are based at Ardleigh Green, Wingletye Lane and Rainham
The Committee AGREED to appoint Councillor Darvill to the Havering Local Board until October 2024, in order that it would be quorate for its Annual General Meeting in early July.
Local Authority Governor Panel
Since 2014 the recommendation for appointment of Local Authority Governors has been considered by the LA Governor Appointment Panel, which meets termly and comprises of representative Governors, Head Teachers and Elected Members nominated by Governance Committee.
On account of the increasing number of Academy Trusts and Federations within the Borough, the demand for Local Authority Governors has become less The current process of reviewing applications, seeking references and convening the Governor Panel is consequently disproportionate to the level of vacancies and demand.
It is anticipated that the number of Local Authority governors will continue to reduce as more schools obtain academy status. Therefore, the Committee AGREED that the Governor Panel be disbanded with immediate effect.
Some vacancies for Non-Executive appointments were agreed by Office and the full list is attached as Appendix 2.
For the remaining vacancies, the Committee decided to adopt a different approach from that taken in previous years.
It was agreed that:
- All Councillors would be invited to put themselves forward for nomination to Outside Bodies, matching their skills and interests wherever possible.
- Officers would contact Citizens Advice Havering, Havering Arts Council, Havering Association for People with Disabilities, Havering Bands & Majorettes Association, Havering Sports Council, Relate North East, Sight Action Havering and Wennington Quarry Community Liaison Committee to seek their acceptance of the new process and ensure that it accorded with the Terms of Reference and/or Constitutions of their respective organisations.
Ø The role descriptions and Terms of Reference for the Non Executive Bodies that are held on file will be circulated to all Councillors.
Ø In the event that more than one Councillor puts themselves forward, the organisation will be consulted on the choice of representative.
Ø Governance Committee will agree all outstanding appointments on 24th August irrespective of whether or not nominations have been received.
Supporting documents:
- OSbodies 22, item 9. PDF 404 KB
- Advert 2021, item 9. PDF 76 KB
- APPOINTMENTS other organisations2022execMASTER Governance, item 9. PDF 106 KB
- APPOINTMENTS other organisations2022Non Executive Governance, item 9. PDF 721 KB