Agenda item

Establishing the Havering Borough Partnership and Integrated Care Board

Report attached


Cabinet considered the Establishing the Havering Borough Partnership and Integrated Care Board – Governance Arrangements report.


It was explained that the Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) were now in place across the country. Havering formed part of the North East London (NEL) ICS. A key element of ICSs were Place Based Partnerships, which had been formed in each borough in NEL. The Havering Borough Partnership (HBP) brought together partners from across the health and social care system to plan and deliver services for local residents.


Following the passage of the Health and Social Care Act 2022, from 1st July 2022, the NEL Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) ceased to exist, and had created a statutory Integrated Care Board (ICB), that brought the NHS together to improve population health and care, which would delegate functions that were best addressed locally to Place Based Partnerships. A Place Based Committee of the ICB had been established in each Place in NEL, with associated governance processes put in place.


The following were agreed:

·         Note the formal establishment of NHS North East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) and associated Committees of the ICB on 1st July 2022.

·         Note that the appointment of NEL representative Councillors and officers to the ICB and its associated Committees, had not yet been agreed, and Cabinet would be updated in due course. Should a Havering Council officer be nominated, such an appointment would be made under existing officer delegations within part 3 of the Council’s constitution.

·         Note the appointment by the Leader of the following political representative from Havering to the Integrated Care Partnership Board as a political appointment to an outside body: Councillor Gillian Ford, Cabinet Member for Adults and Health.

·         Endorse the appointment of the Chief Executive of the Council, as the Havering Placed Based Committee’s (a committee of the ICB, not the council) Lead Accountable Officer, and that this appointment had been made under existing officer delegations within part 3 of the Council’s constitution.

·         Note the intention to review the relationship of the Havering Health & Wellbeing Board and the Place Based Partnership Committee, as well as the council’s health scrutiny functions

·         Note the establishment of the ICS Executive Committee to support the ICB, which would have representative senior officers from NEL constituent authorities, although these were yet to be determined.  Cabinet would be updated in due course.

·         Note that an update would be provided to Cabinet no later than October 2022.


Supporting documents: