Agenda item



The Sub-Committee decided to grant the application as amended below for the following reasons:


The Sub Committee was mindful that this was predominantly a residential area and it had taken regard to the genuine and well presented concerns of the objectors in attendance.  The application – as amended – was a relatively modest one and it appeared that the Applicant was a responsible operator who was anxious to supply an ancillary service to his existing business.


However, given the valid concerns regarding public nuisance and potential anti-social behaviour, the Sub-Committee proposed to slightly limit the applied for hours for the benefit of residents in close proximity to eliminate any possibility of early morning disturbance.  It was also conscious that residents had a right to peace and quiet and given the proximity to the premises of residential properties and given the admission by Mr Singh that he wished to work with his neighbours, the Sub-Committee was minded to curtail the hours on Sunday (as set out below) during which alcohol could be sold to assist residents and demonstrate to them Mr Singh’s good-will. 


Having accepted the Applicant’s offer to limit the sale of alcohol in the evening to 8.00pm, the Sub-Committee further amended the hours the Applicant could sell alcohol to:


Supply of Alcohol (off Supply only)




Monday to Saturday







In addition, the Sub-Committee imposed the following restrictions on the sale of alcohol which had been proposed by the police and accepted by the Applicant:


No more than 20% of the sales area could be devoted to the sale or display or alcohol.


All spirits to be stored and displayed for sale behind the shop counter.


Concerning CCTV:


CD16     A properly specified and fully operational CCTV system shall be installed or the existing system maintained to a satisfactory standard. The system shall incorporate a camera covering each of the entrances and be capable of providing an image which is regarded as ‘identification standard’ of all persons entering and/or leaving the premises.  All other areas of risk identified in the operational requirement shall have coverage appropriate to the risk including an external view of the entrance. 


CD17     The installation or upgrading of any CCTV system shall comply with current best practice.


CD18     To obtain a clear head and shoulders image of every person entering the premises on the CCTV system, persons entering the premises should be asked to remove headwear unless worn as part of religious observance.


CD19     The CCTV system shall incorporate a recording facility and all recordings shall be securely stored for a minimum of one calendar month.  A system shall be in place to maintain the quality of the recorded image and a complete audit trail maintained.  The system shall comply with other essential legislation and all signs as required shall be clearly displayed.  The system shall be maintained and fully operational throughout the hours that the premises is open for any licensable activity.


The CCTV system to be installed before the sale of alcohol commences.


The Sub-Committee proposed variations to provisions 4 and 7 of part P(a) of the Operating Schedule, to read:


4:    A hard-bound (not loose-leaf) refusals book shall be kept on the premises and used to record all refusals of sales of alcohol.  The refusals book shall be made available Police or Licensing Authority officers upon request.


7:    A hard-bound (not loose-leaf) incident record shall be maintained on the premises to record all incidents in respect to crime and disorder.  The incident record shall be available Police upon request.


In addition, the Sub-Committee accepted the Applicant’s offer to provide and maintain two refuse bins on the forecourt of his premises for the use of customers and the general public.  It also accepted his stated intention to ensure – so far as was in his power and was safe to do so – that he would disperse any gatherings of young people from the forecourt of his premises.