Agenda item

The requirements of the Building Safety Bill and Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 for the council as a landlord.

Report and appendices attached


Cabinet considered the requirements of the Building Safety Bill and Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 for the council as a landlord presented by Councillor Joshua Chapman.


It was explained in the report that the implications arising for the Council as a landlord were as a result of the Building Safety Bill. The report set out the requirement of the bill, the progress the council had made to prepare for the bill and made recommendations for what additional actions would be required.


Councillor Chapman further explained that there were implications for the Council and it was a holistic review of building safety of a new bill that had been debated in parliament. The report also set out management plans and best practice.


Concerns were raised by Members regarding compliance and Officers confirmed that there were extensive case files for each property that the Council held and a certification system in place.




AGREED the following:


1.     That Cabinet note the requirements of the Building Safety Bill and Regulatory   Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 for the council as a landlord.

2.     That Cabinet notes the progress that has been made to prepare for the implementation of the bill.

3.     That Cabinet recommends to Council that the post of Assistant Director of Property Services is designated as the Accountable Person within the Council’s constitution and scheme of delegation and the Monitoring Officer is given delegated authority to make any consequential amendments to the Council’s Scheme of Delegation.

4.     That the Towns and Communities Scrutiny Committee should be provided with a quarterly report on performance relating to fire, electrical, gas, lifts, asbestos and legionella safety.



Supporting documents: