Agenda item


(The Outcome of Public Consultation) – Report Attached



The report before the Committee detailed information on the Ardleigh Green Road, Squirrels Heath Road and Slewins Lane – Emerson Park Accident Reduction Programme, approved for funding by Transport for London. A feasibility study was recently carried out to identify safety improvements in the area and pedestrian refuge, pedestrian refuge upgrade, speed tables, speed cushions, minor carriageway widening and patching works, coloured surfacing, vehicle activated sign relocation, centreline hatch and slow road markings are proposed.

A public consultation had been carried out and the report detailed the finding of the feasibility study, public consultation and recommended various safety improvements be approved. Letters describing the proposals were delivered to local residents, Emergency Services, bus companies and cycling representatives.


Ardleigh Green Road

Approximately, 180 letters were delivered by hand to the area affected by the proposals. Comments were invited by 16 July 2012. Six written responses from Metropolitan Police, London Buses and residents were received and the comments are summarised in the Appendix1of the report.


Squirrels Heath Road

Approximately, 80 letters were delivered by hand to the area affected by the proposals. Five written responses from Metropolitan Police, London Buses, local school and residents were received and the comments are summarised in the Appendix1 of the report.


Slewins Lane

Approximately, 80 letters were delivered by hand to the area affected by the proposals. Seven written responses from Metropolitan Police, London Buses and residents were received and the comments are summarised in the Appendix1 of the report. The resident at No.61 Slewins Lane had carried out his own consultation and his consultation results are summarised in Appendix2.  

In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a resident who expressed his views against the scheme.


He explained that he felt the council's consultation was defective, that he had put a letter around his neighbours and had 11 responses which were passed to the traffic team and he was of the view that the current proposals do not meet local concerns for safety.


In response to the comment raised by the resident, the Principal Engineer responded that the service did not have access to data other than casualty information and there were no injuries on the section between Northumberland Avenue and Walden Way.


During deliberations the Committee raised the issue of the Vehicle Activated sign (VA):


A Member of the Committee was of the opinion that the VA sign needed to be moved from its current location. Other Members felt the sign should remain in the same place as being most effective.


The Committee RESOLVED to:


1.             To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the following safety improvements be implemented as shown on the relevant drawings.


Ardleigh Green Road

(a)   Wider pedestrian refuges along Ardleigh Green Road and pedestrian refuge upgrade along Squirrels Heath Lane at the Ardleigh Green Road / Squirrels Heath Lane junction (Drawing No.QL001/A/1)

(b)   Pedestrian refuge along Ardleigh Green Road outside All Saints Church (Drawing No.QL001/A/2)

(c)   Speed cushions along Ardleigh Green Road approaches and entry speed table along Nelmes Way (Drawing No.QL001/A/3)

(d)   Pedestrian refuge with tactile pavings along Ardleigh Green Road by Wotton Close (Drawing No.QL001/A/4).

(e)   Minor carriageway patching works (Drawing No.QL001/A/5) 


Squirrels Heath Road

(f)    Pedestrian refuge, speed table, minor carriageway widening, coloured surfacing, centreline hatch and slow road markings (Drawing No.QL001/SQ/1)


The Committee voted in favour of the scheme by 8 votes to 1 abstention. Councillor Taylor abstained from the voting.


Slewins Lane

2.         That, the Committee having considered the representations made for Slewins Lane scheme as set out in Appendix1 and Appendix2 to this report decides either;  

(a)   To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that pedestrian refuge, entry speed tables, centreline hatch and slow markings as shown on Drawing Nos. QL001/S/1 and QL001/S/2 be implemented;


The Committee voted in favour of the scheme by 8 votes to 1 abstention. Councillor Taylor abstained from the voting.


3.         That, the Committee having considered the representations made in response to the public consultation process, recommends to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the following amended proposals be implemented.

            (a)   vehicle activated sign along Squirrels Heath Road moved to a new location as shown on Drawing No. QL001/SQ/1. However having considered the proposal the Committee votedunanimously recommending that the VA sign be kept at its current location.


            (b)   Pedestrian refuge along Walden Way moved towards Slewins Lane as      shown on Drawing No. QL001/S/2.  


The Committee votedunanimously to implement the pedestrian refuge scheme.


  1. That, it be noted that the estimated costs of £70,000 and £45,000 with and without Slewins Lane scheme respectively, would be met from the Transport for London’s (TfL) 2012/13 financial year allocation to Havering for Accident Reduction Programme.


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