Agenda item

East London Joint Resources and Waste Strategy - Approval of Public Consultation




1.     APROVED the release of the Preliminary Draft of the East London Joint Resources and Waste Strategy (ELJRWS) and associated documents to the four statutory consultees (Environment Agency, Greater London Authority, Historic England and Natural England).

2.    APPROVED the start of wider public engagement in line with the proposals in this report.

3.    DELEGATED to the Director of Neighbourhoods in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, the decision to make minor amendments to the proposal set out in this report. Such amendments will be limited to changes in the public consultation timeline and minor changes within the Strategy document.


Councillor Osman Dervish was delighted to present this report to Cabinet and recommend the proposals within it.


The Preliminary Draft of the new East London Joint Resources and Waste Strategy (ELJRWS) had been developed in close cooperation between officers and Members of the Partner Authorities and could be seen at Appendix 1 of the report.


The Preliminary Draft of the ELJRWS will be subject to public consultation to understand the public opinion on its priorities and actions. Future service changes will be subject to consultation as appropriate in line with statutory obligations.


Councillor Dervish stated that this will allow residents who are increasingly more concerned with the reuse and recycling of waste to be sure that all available options are explored for the disposal of waste with a particular focus on ensuring that waste is reused and recycled where ever possible.


There followed discussion and Group Leaders were all in agreement with the recommendations.




1.    APROVED the release of the Preliminary Draft of the East London Joint Resources and Waste Strategy (ELJRWS) and associated documents to the four statutory consultees (Environment Agency, Greater London Authority, Historic England and Natural England).

2.    APPROVED the start of wider public engagement in line with the proposals in this report.

3.    DELEGATED to the Director of Neighbourhoods in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment, the decision to make minor amendments to the proposal set out in this report. Such amendments will be limited to changes in the public consultation timeline and minor changes within the Strategy document.

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