Agenda item

Localisation of Council Tax Support


Councillor Roger Ramsey (Cabinet Member for Value) introduced the report


The Welfare Reform Act 2012 had abolished the national Council Tax Benefit scheme with effect from April 2013 and the Local Government Finance Bill currently making its way through Parliament would require Local Authorities to design their own local council tax support schemes.


Eight options had been identified from which a local Council Tax Support Scheme could be developed. A key issue for the Council was developing and delivering a local scheme where the Government grant allocation had been reduced by 10% (£1.9 million).


Cabinet were now asked to consider and be aware of the implications and risks associated with all eight options and also the risks generally associated with a local scheme.


Reasons for the decision:


This report arose as a result of the Local Government Finance Bill, which required the Council to design a Local Council Tax Support Scheme to support people who were liable to pay Council Tax and were in financial need.


Other options considered:


The options available were summarised in the report.


It was noted that the final decision as to the Scheme would be a matter for full Council, possibly as part of the consideration of the Council Tax and budget for 2013/14.


Cabinet agreed:


1.         To note the financial pressure of a £1.9m reduction in government grant for council tax support in 2013/4.


2.         To authorise consultation with the Greater London Authority on the Options, with the preferred option being Option 8.

Supporting documents: