Agenda item


Report Attached



The Committee considered a report that made recommendations based on the outcome of the public consultation held for the proposed School Keep Clear road markings as part of the Hylands School Primary parking review.


As part of the Highways consent for the construction of Hylands Primary School on land east of Granger Way, conditions were placed on the approved planning application (P1948.08).


Condition 10 of the application stated that the new development would not be brought into occupation until a review of the restrictions around the school entrances was undertaken


The review was limited to investigating the school keep clear road markings and junction protection lining


Hylands Primary School opened mid 2011 coinciding with the closure of Edwin Lambert School, but part of the development saw the closure of Manor School at the end of the 2009 summer term.


Due to the school being on a new site it was then decided by the Highway Authority that a review once the school was operational would be more appropriate and would allow for monitoring during the first few months.


The Highway Authority received informal requests from residents’ and parents requesting that the entrance and egress points be kept clear of parked cars to improve visibility and to stop these areas being congested with cars during the school peak times.


Following this, once it became apparent that the alleyway access to the school would be open almost constantly, residents’ and parents that lived in Globe Road became concerned about the prospect of Keep Clear markings affecting parking provision in the area.


A site review was carried out on the 20 October 2011 in which past comments and concerns from residents’ and member of staff were taken into consideration.


In November 2011, approximately 100 letters were hand-delivered to residents potentially affected by the scheme with a closing date of 2 December 2011 for receipt of comments.


By the close of consultation, 9 written responses had been received from residents and were summarised the report.


All of the responses were noted as objections with a combination of reduced parking for residents’ and providing a passing place for traffic on Globe Road being the main points of objection.


Residents’ of Benjamin Close regarded the times of the school keep clear as inadequate as vehicles associated with the school enter the close before and after the proposed times, however, it was also stated that any restriction would cause inconvenience to residents.


Residents of Globe Road were concerned with creating a passing place for fast moving traffic on a road where double sided parking is common throughout.


Both sets of residents suggested that the lack of parking enforcement at present would be continued, rendering the proposed restrictions, counterproductive. It was suggested that better and more stringent enforcement of the existing restrictions would improve safety more effectively.


Residents’ were also of the impression that a better school/ parent relationship with respect to school travel initiatives would be of greater benefit than increasing the waiting restrictions.


Given the local opposition and lack of support from the school or parents, Staff recommended that the proposals be rejected.


In accordance with the public participation arrangements the Committee was addressed by a resident who expressed his views against the scheme.


During the debate members noted the recommendations contained in the report, the public consultation responses and the views of ward Councillors, in agreement that the scheme should not proceed. 


The Committee RESOLVED:


1.  To recommend to the Cabinet Member for Community Empowerment that the proposed parking scheme as part of the Hylands Primary School parking review detailed in the report be rejected.










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