Agenda item


On behalf of the Chairman, there will be an announcement about the arrangements in case of fire or other events that might require the meeting room or building’s evacuation.


The Leader of the Council welcomed everyone to the meeting and indicated that in the spirit of preserving officers time questions were requested from Group Leaders ahead of the meeting. These would be collated and responses would be provided accordingly.


Mark Ansell, Director of Public Health attended the meeting to give an update on the current Covid Crisis.  The roll out of the vaccines is the bright light on the horizon.  However, the epidemic locally continues to increase significantly, higher than the London average, which is significantly higher than the rest of England.  London is now in Tier 3 with significant increases in cases within secondary schools.


Havering is close to having the highest rates in the country and it is important that we work with neighbouring boroughs to reduce these levels.


Vaccinations have started amongst the over 80’s and care home staff.  It is hoped that come the spring the programme will be widespread to give hope for an end to the Covid crisis.


A further All Member Briefing will be delivered soon for all Councillors.