Agenda item


Report and presentation attached.


The Sub-Committee received the quarter two performance indicators (PIs) update. The PIs are the standards by which performance of services are measured within the Council.


The update provided an overview of performance against the six performance indicators currently monitored by the Sub-Committee in 2020/21.


The report outlined that all six of the indicators have been given a Red Amber Green status; RAG status - two rated Green, one rated Amber and three indicators rated Red.


The report provided the following highlights:


The percentage of Looked after Children (LAC) with an up to date pathway plan in place improved. It was noted that performance data relating to pathway plans were reviewed weekly and there remains a focus on ensuring that young people were engaged with the pathway planning process and that their voice was evident.


It was stated that the percentage of LAC cases with supervision in the last three months was currently strong and above the year-end target. Member were informed that a new systemic case supervision template have been embedded in Liquidlogic, which have enabled regular performance reporting in the area and close monitoring by the Head of Service and Group Managers and discussion at weekly performance meetings.


The report outlined the following areas of potential areas for improvement:

The percentage of contacts progressing to Early Help (EH) in the year to date was down compared with the previous year, It was stated that this was partly due to the schools being closed and then open to a limited number of pupils for part of the year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Early Help service have seen an increase in referrals to EH universal services directly from General Practitioners in relation to perinatal mental health and also from the Speech and Language Team (SALT). There have also been increased referrals in for baby massage, starting solids and the Butterflies group, which was believed to be a result of health colleagues catching up with 1 and 2 year old checks.

The percentage of LAC 16 years and under who have been continuously looked after for over two years and in the same placement dropped. Member noted that part of the long term plans to improve placement stability have included the development of a systemic training offer for all carers with adolescents. The systemic training involved a therapeutic parenting approach which commenced for in-house carers in September 2020. It was also noted that the Assistant Director had convened a working group to focus on placement stability and an action plan was in place with progress being made.


The percentage of Education, Health Care (EHC) Assessments that were completed within 20 weeks was down. It was stated that the short term direction of travel for the indicator at the end of quarter 2 (30 September) would usually be lower as schools who contributed to the process were closed during the summer holidays.


The report outlined that former relevant young people aged 18-21 who are in education, employment or training showed a slightly lower performance which reflected the current challenges around Covid-19 and the complexity of the young people coming into care in their late teens and already disengaged with Education Employment and Training (EET). It was also noted that staying put arrangements continue to be promoted for post 18 year olds requiring additional support and access to EET. 


The sub-committee was informed that COVID-19 has had an adverse effect on many of the young adults, especially those working in retail, hospitality, health and hair and beauty and those on zero hour contracts. It noted that some care leavers would have to re-apply for their positions rather than automatically returning and the officers would continue to work closely with these individuals.

It was also stated that the Future Mentors Scheme would be another layer of support towards supporting Care leavers to engage in EET.  The project would provide care leavers with a mentor from the community who would encourage the young person to engage with EET.


The Sub-Committee noted the content of the report.




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