Agenda item

New Plymouth House and Napier House, Refurbishment Schemes


Councillor Lesley Kelly (Cabinet Member for Housing) introduced the report


The report set out proposals for innovative refurbishment of New Plymouth and Napier Houses in Dunedin Road, Rainham, incorporating larger, enclosed balconies, often called ‘winter gardens’.      


Cabinet noted that, following detailed option appraisal work, the preferred approach was to:

a)         Retain both blocks, rather than demolish them and redevelop their sites;

b)         Carry out a full refurbishment to Decent Homes standards; and

c)         Build larger, enclosed balconies.


The key features of the options appraisal were set out, and further information on the benefits of the winter gardens provided.


Options considered:

Demolition and replacement had been rejected on cost and viability grounds. The report concluded it would be financially advantageous to refurbish the two blocks, rather than demolish, dispose and redevelop.

Refurbishment with winter gardens and cladding was the preferred option, as it would provide the most significant and sustainable benefits for residents and the Council including:

-          reduced maintenance costs for the Council

-          additional living space for residents

-          reduced fuel costs for residents

-          a dramatically enhanced external appearance, changing the image and look of the tower blocks into a landmark scheme for Rainham and Havering Riverside.

-          additional homes and community space.


Members noted that, for reasons of practicality, leaseholders would not be required to contribute to the cost of the winter gardens and that it was most unlikely that Council Tax bandings would be affected as a result of the proposed work. The proposals were for total refurbishment of the blocks, the demolition of which had been considered but found to be less cost-effective than proceeding as proposed as the blocks were structurally sound (although in need of minor repair). The cost would be borne wholly by the Council.


Cabinet agreed:


1          That both New Plymouth and Napier Houses be retained


2          That the Housing Service develop proposals to:

i)        Remodel the ground floor of each block to provide new homes and community space

ii)      Carry out environmental improvements within the grounds of the blocks.

3          That residents of both blocks be consulted on the proposal to add winter gardens to all flats as part of the Decent Homes upgrade programme


4          That leaseholders be not charged for the cost of the works above the Decent Homes Standard


5          To receive a further report on the outcome of the consultation.

Supporting documents: