Agenda item



The application proposed the erection of 2-3 storey extension which would provide space for classrooms and a nursery.  The proposed nursery would be kept separate from the remainder of the school, and would have a dedicated pedestrian access through a new entrance. The proposed extension would replace existing buildings which would be demolished.  The proposal would allow for an increase in the capacity of the school with a potential increase of 201 pupils and 14 staff. An additional 14 spaces were proposed for staff car parking with 72 spaces provided for cycle storage.


It was noted that 71 letters of objection had been received along with 4 letters of support. Comments from 5 statutory consultees had been received including that from the Environment Agency which raised no objections to the proposals.


In accordance with the public speaking arrangements and with the agreement of the Chairman, the Committee was addressed by two speakers who opposed the application with responses provided to each by the applicant.


Much of the debate amongst members focussed on the proposed pedestrian footpath which would be created for access to the proposed nursery and the impact of the proposed buildings on nearby residential properties. Concerns were raised that the new access and close proximity of the proposed extension would cause unacceptable overlooking into neighbouring properties. It was suggested that access to the proposed nursery could be made via the main school entrance. In response, officers explained that the footpath would only be used during discreet periods of the days and as such would not result in a constant flow of people walking past adjoining residential boundaries. It was suggested that its use could be covered by condition.


Discussion also focussed on the likely increase in the number of car journeys made by parents dropping off and collecting children given the proposed significant increase in pupil numbers at the school. Members queried whether sufficient consideration had been given to the likely travel impact and parking congestion on surrounding residential roads. Accordingly, a motion was proposed that consideration be deferred to enable officers to discuss with the applicant the submission of a school travel plan and also to enable members to visit the site and inspect the location of the proposed access and footpath and its potential impact on neighbouring amenity. That motion was defeated by 7 votes to 4.  Councillors Darvill, Durant, Ower and Hawthorn voted for the motion to defer.


It was RESOLVED that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions as set out in the report and additional conditions to cover the following:


·               No external lighting (including for the Multi Use Games Area) to be installed without prior consent from Local Planning Authority.

·               Submission, approval, implementation and maintenance of a management scheme for the footpath adjacent to 16 Cedar Avenue.

·               Details of the design, levels and boundary treatment for the footpath adjacent to 16 Cedar Avenue.

·               Adjust Condition 4 (boundary treatment) to specify closeboard fence for boundary with 16 Cedar Avenue.


The vote for the resolution to grant planning permission was passed by 7 votes to 4. Councillors Darvill, Durant, Ower and Hawthorn voted against the resolution to grant planning permission.

Supporting documents: