Agenda item


Report and appendix attached.


The report and presentation before members set out the Quarter 1 performance relevant to the remit of the Sub-Committee.


Due to COVID-19, performance was not reported according to the original reporting schedule in order to prioritise service delivery. Performance for Quarter 4 2019/20 would be reported with Quarter 1 2020/21 to provide the opportunity to understand performance in this period.


Members noted that though service delivery was returning to business as usual, there would still be an impact on performance due to COVID-19.


Five Performance Indicators have previously been selected to be monitored by the Sub-Committee:


      Improve air quality in the borough by reducing the level of  NO2 

      HMO licenses issued

      HMOs enforced against

      Total Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued in month

      Response rate for PCN Challenges and Representations


In relation to air quality the data showed a dramatic decrease in NO2 levels across the borough with significant drops in areas of concern (i.e. normally with readings markedly above the annual objective 40ug/m3). Though this showed an average NO2 reading over the three month period rather than quarterly breakdown.


The anti-idling campaign had been slowed down because of the changes in the preferences and the behaviours of people because of the Covid virus. However, leaders of the campaign were offering educating training courses to fleet drivers. The Council’s own fleet drivers had been receiving similar training  by the Council.


The School Streets project was going ahead, as the Council had received funding for 18 schools in 13 locations. The project was currently at the consultation stage. Upon completion, roads school areas would be temporally closed when pupils were going to and leaving from schools.


In relation to HMOs during Quarter 4, the number of licences issued increased as Licensing Officers were concentrating on processing applications ahead of implementation of new software which went live on 1 June 2020. There was also an increased number of applications received during this period. Covid-19 had not yet adversely affected the number of new applications received.


The number of enforcement operations was reduced from January 2020 and ceased from the end of March due to Covid-19. As a result no enforcement action in the form of Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) had been taken for unlicensed HMOs. However the team had been concentrating their efforts on desktop conditional audits for licensed premises with financial penalties being issued where landlords have failed to comply; i.e. licence conditions have been breached. this has enabled us to maintain a steady flow of FPN cases.

In relation to Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) Quarter 4 performance for total PCNs issued in a month was 22,541, similar to Quarter 3 2019/20 performance (23,538). During this period, there continued to be poor compliance levels in Moving Traffic Contraventions (MTC).


Quarter 4 performance for response rate for PCN challenges and representations improved from the previous quarter, with performance six days below target.


Quarter 1 performance for total PCNs issued in a month dropped significantly due to parking restrictions reduced during Covid-19 lockdown, therefore issuance decreased.


Performance in Quarter 1 dramatically improved for response rate for PCN challenges and representations. Due to Covid-19 lockdown, there was less parking enforcement activity and a reduction in PCN issue, This meant officers were able to concentrate on reducing backlog and improve on response times.


Parking restrictions were re-introduced in August (Quarter 2) and therefore it was expected to see an increase in the number of PCNs issued.


In response to a question relating to the anti idling campaign, officers confirmed that the Council’s fleet did not have devices to control idling and that it was a case of educating drivers.


In relation to the forthcoming year’s performance indicators, the Chairman asked Members to email in their suggestions.


The Sub-Committee noted the report and presentation.



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