Agenda item


Presentation attached.


The presentation before members detailed the impact the Covid-19 pandemic had required Environmental Services to change its level of service.


Business Continuity plans had been enacted across services. From late March, all office based staff were told to work from home. Some staff were moved to support other work areas within the Council


A percentage of staff were ‘unable’ to work which reduced service levels and stopped some services and the council had to make use of agency staff in some areas.


There had been a loss of income across the service but it had been mainly Parking that had been affected..


There had also been a loss of external funding, mainly from Transport for London (TfL).


Change of patterns of work had taken place to allow staff to social distance.


With regards to Highways and Transport TfL funding was now only available for schemes supporting safe cycling and walking. Consultation on small  highways schemes had re-started.


Regarding parking the decision was made to make parking free in Council-owned car parks, CPZ’s  and on-street. There had been limited enforcement mainly for dangerous parking and yellow lines. Some enforcement officers had been moved to support other work. The loss of income was estimated to be (£3.5M over period).


The current situation was that enforcement of CPZ’s were reintroduced on 13 July. Charging for car parks and on-street was reintroduced with enforcement from 3August. There had been the Introduction of the new Ringo App for payment. 1hr free parking had been Introduced on-street & 20% discount with Ringo in car parks to support high streets. ‘Havering Hero’ permits were introduced to support key workers.


The immediate impact on waste and recycling had seen Serco experience an initial 30% loss of staff; and there had been a reliance on agency staff.Waste and recycling services were maintained on weekly collections.Garden waste and bulky waste collections ceased on 26 March in line with the Business Continuity Plan. There had been a significant increase in tonnages collected (42% following May Bank Holiday weekend)Gerpins Lane refuse and recycling centre had been closed by ELWA/Renewi.


With regards to the current situation regarding waste and recycling. Serco staffing levels were back to normal; crews were working in ‘bubbles’. Waste & recycling tonnages reduced but remained high (10% extra). Serco were now deploying more staff  Garden waste collections had been reinstated 13 April.Bulky waste collections were reinstated 1 June; with free collections for NHS shielding customersGerpins Lane had reopened on 11May, new arrangements were in place with less vehicles allowed on site and initially with traffic management in place.


The initial impact on estate cleansing services had been the Immediate loss of staffing (18%). New working arrangements were put in place to ensure staff safety including provision of PPE and a reduction of staff numbers in vehicles. There had also been a reduced amount of cleansing inside blocks.


Currently staff levels were back to normal. Services were still working with reduced staffing in vehicles and there was still reduced levels of cleansing in blocks.


With regards to street cleansing there had been an Immediate loss of staffing (22%). New working arrangements had been introduced to ensure staff safety  including the introduction of PPE & reduction of staff numbers in vehicles. There had also been staggered staff start times to allow social distancing in depots.


At present  staffing levels were back to normal and 10 days sweeps were in place. Staggered staff start times were still in place  to allow social distancing in depots.


In respect of grounds maintenance and parks the initial impact had meant all parks/open spaces & car parks remained open. There had been a significant increase in daily use of parks and open spaces. There had been an initialloss of Grounds Maintenance staffing; with the remaining team used to cover problems elsewhere, mainly street cleansing and the Cemetery Service. There had been reduced levels of maintenance in parks but additional emptying of bins. There had been a closure of parks facilities – sports pitches, play areas, MUGA’s, etc and no events had taken place. There had been additional patrolling in parks to address safety issues. Some depots had closed and there were staggered start times for staff.


Going forward,  use of parks and open spaces remained high but had reduced. Normal maintenance routines were now in place. All depots had re-opened but staff remained on staggered start times. All parks facilities had now reopened and limited events and sports were allowed.


In response to a question relating to the use of pay and display machines, officers confirmed the pay and display machines were still being used but due to Covid and the touching of surfaces, cashless payments had increased significantly and the increase could also due to Ringo app payment method being easy to understand and operate.


The Sub-Committee wished to place on record their thanks to staff who had continued to provide a good service to residents of the borough during testing times.


The Sub-Committee noted the contents of the presentation.











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