Agenda item

Private Sector Housing Enforcement Scheme Two. Expand Additional Licensing for Housing of Multiple Occupation and Introduce Selective Licensing Implementation and Enforcement



Considered the representations received in response to the consultation on the selective licensing and additional HMO licensing scheme (detailed in Appendix 3 of the report).


1) Agreed to introduce a selective licensing of private rented properties and to designate a selective licensing area of the district of the London Borough of Havering as delineated and shaded pink on the map at Annex A in Appendix 5 which covers 2 wards (Romford Town and Brooklands) in the Borough and to come into force from 25th January 2021 and be of five years duration.


2) Agreed to introduce an additional licensing of houses in multiple occupation (HMO’s) and to designate an additional licensing area of the district of the London Borough of Havering as delineated and shaded pink on the map at Annex A in Appendix 4 which covers Cranham, Emerson Park, Hacton, Hylands, St Andrews and Upminster wards in the Borough and to come into force from 25th January 2021 and be of five years duration.

3) Agreed that the selective licensing scheme shall be cited as the London Borough of Havering Designation for an Area for Selective Licensing No 1, 2020


4) Agreed that the additional HMO licensing scheme shall be cited as the London Borough of Havering Designation for an Area for Additional Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation No 2, 2020.


5) Agreed that the scheme shall be publicised as required by regulation before enforcement starts and a comprehensive publicity campaign to begin as soon as the schemes are approved.


6) Delegated to the Director of Neighbourhoods in consultation with the Lead Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety, the authority to agree minor changes to the proposed implementation and delivery, including administration, fees and conditions where necessary and ensure that all statutory notifications are carried out in the prescribed manner for the licensing designation.




The Leader of the Council, Councillor Damian White, declared an interest and removed himself from the meeting.  He took no part in the discussion or vote on this matter.


This matter was presented by the Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety, Councillor Viddy Persaud. 

The report sought approval from Members for the introduction and operation of a selective private landlord-licensing scheme in Romford Town and Brooklands wards and an additional, house in multiple occupation (HMO) scheme in Cranham, Emerson Park, Hacton, Hylands, St Andrews and Upminster based on the Private Rented Sector (PRS): Housing Stock Condition and Stressors Report which had been presented at Appendix 1.


The results of the consultation on the licensing scheme proposals were presented in Appendices 2 and 3.


The public consultation and the evidence collated, support the case for the introduction of a selective licensing scheme in these two wards due to poor housing conditions and anti-social behaviour. There is also a significant proportion of smaller HMO’s in the proposed area which are being poorly managed as to give rise to one or more particular problems, either for those occupying the HMO’s or for members of the public e.g. poor housing conditions and/or anti-social behaviour (ASB).

The implementation of selective and additional licensing will, alongside other existing and proposed activities, improve management practices in private rented properties and reduce the negative impact that below standard and poorly managed accommodation in the private rented sector can sometimes have on the local community.  The Council is 100% committed to working with excellent landlords.


Following discussion and debate:



Considered the representations received in response to the consultation on the selective licensing and additional HMO licensing scheme (detailed in Appendix 3 of the report).


1) Agreed to introduce a selective licensing of private rented properties and to designate a selective licensing area of the district of the London Borough of Havering as delineated and shaded pink on the map at Annex A in Appendix 5 which covers 2 wards (Romford Town and Brooklands) in the Borough and to come into force from 25th January 2021 and be of five years duration.


2) Agreed to introduce an additional licensing of houses in multiple occupation (HMO’s) and to designate an additional licensing area of the district of the London Borough of Havering as delineated and shaded pink on the map at Annex A in Appendix 4 which covers Cranham, Emerson Park, Hacton, Hylands, St Andrews and Upminster wards in the Borough and to come into force from 25th January 2021 and be of five years duration.

3) Agreed that the selective licensing scheme shall be cited as the London Borough of Havering Designation for an Area for Selective Licensing No 1, 2020


4) Agreed that the additional HMO licensing scheme shall be cited as the London Borough of Havering Designation for an Area for Additional Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation No 2, 2020.


5) Agreed that the scheme shall be publicised as required by regulation before enforcement starts and a comprehensive publicity campaign to begin as soon as the schemes are approved.


6) Delegated to the Director of Neighbourhoods in consultation with the Lead Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Safety, the authority to agree minor changes to the proposed implementation and delivery, including administration, fees and conditions where necessary and ensure that all statutory notifications are carried out in the prescribed manner for the licensing designation.



Supporting documents: