Agenda item


Report attached


At its request the Sub-Committee received a report that updated Members on the Ofsted Improvement Update


The update provided an assurance that Havering was meeting its statutory responsibilities and continuing to evidence improvement against Ofsted recommendations,


The report outlined progress to improve standards of social care practice, workforce development and associated systems.


The Sub-Committee noted the following seven themes and objectives:


1.    Pathway Planning and Transitions to Adulthood. The aim of the objective was to further improve the quality of care planning. It was noted that 61% of care leavers wee in education, employment and training.  The Cocoon – Young People Centre recently celebrated its second anniversary. The community space provides care experienced Young People to access support and leisure activities. It was also stated partner agencies have contributed and supported to grow the remit providing additional services at the centre.


2.    Strategy and Meetings (Including risk assessments and support for children returning home from care). It was noted that Standards have been agreed regarding holding strategy meetings and attendance by partner agencies was being tracked via the case management system. Workshops are being scheduled which would support skills development and planning.


3.    Supervision The aim is to clarify what ‘good’ supervision looks like, and set out clear guidance and principles. A revised supervision template was rolled out across the service in October 2019, following consultation across the service. The new template had been created in line with systemic principles and is designed to enable reflective and purposeful practice.


4.    Quality Assurance. This theme considered the auditing and other quality assurance activities across the services. It was noted that a new Quality Assurance Framework and supporting tools were introduced.. The Deep Dive audit tool and monthly case file audits have been developed in Liquid Logic and the services organised a What Good Looks Like’ workshops in June 2019 which was attended by 31 managers/supervisors.


5.    Workforce and Practice development. This theme will progress the work of the Social Care Academy and set out a route of professional development for all practitioners and managers within the service. The report indicated that 82% of our social workers are now permanent The service have improved its use of social media to raise the profile of Havering and advertise roles.


6.    Adolescent Safeguarding. The aim of the theme was to ensure there were coherent approaches to the range of risk issues that affect young people. It was stated that there were agreement to a multi-disciplinary safeguarding arrangement, involving all main partners. Resources have been secured via funding from the Local Authority and Health partners. Some programmes/projects were already underway, including a £400k investment from the Home Office via the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC)


7.    Case recording and data quality. The aim of the theme was to ensure a more consistent approach to record keeping, whilst ensuring practitioners spend significant time engaged in direct work with families. It was stated that with the implementation of Liquid Logic Implementation; the focus had been on data cleansing, data migration and training. It was noted that the service worked with the Youth Management team to develop its case recording principles and these would be launched in November. 


The Sub-Committee noted the report.

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