Agenda item
Report attached
The Sub-Committee received information on performance against indicators during Quarter 12 (July to September 2019).
The Sub-Committee was informed that due to the meeting being brought forward by a month, data was only available to the beginning of September 2019...
The Police Service target to reach 90% of “Immediate” (I) graded calls within 15 minutes of the call being made and for “Significant” (S) grade calls was to reach 90% within one hour of the call being made.
It was noted that data from the Police was now provided as a rolling average for I and S grades of calls met within target times including domestic abuse calls in each of these grading.
The Sub-Committee noted the following statistics that highlighted performance:
1. Response time to Immediate (I) and Significant (S) Grade Incidents
I-grades - For the week commencing 2 September 2019 Havering saw an improvement in the number of I calls reaching the target time compared to quarter 1 with a rate of 83.8% (compared to 82.7% for the week commencing 1 July 2019.). This was slightly below the overall BCU average of 84.96%).
For the same period, Havering DA I grade calls have seen an increase in the number of calls reaching targets with a rate of 92.9% compared to the 84.6% reported for the week commencing 1st July 2019. This is above the overall Basic Command Unit (BCU) average of 78.76%
S-grades - The 12 month rolling averages to 2 September 2019 were as follows: 80.6% of S grades were met within an hour (compared to 80.5% for the week commencing 1 July 2019.).This was above the BCU average of 74.84%.
Domestic Abuse S grades show the figure of 79.4% locally (compared to 80% for the week commencing 1st July 2019.). This is above the BCU average of 73.51%.
2. Violence
The data available provided a comparison on non-domestic abuse violence with injury experienced in Havering in quarter 2 of 2019-20 compared to the same time period in 2018-19. A reduction from 1354 Non DA VWI from August 2017 to August 2018 to 1176 Non DA VWI from July 2018 –July 2019, a reduction of 13.1%.
In July 2019, a reduction of 16 incidents when compared to July 2018 but August 2019 saw an increase by 2 incidents when compared to August 2018. At the time of writing the report data for September 2019 was not available.
It was stated that the ongoing implementation of the serious group violence and knife crime action plan was contributing to the reduction.
An increase of 7.8%. was recorded on the level of domestic abuse (DA) crimes experienced within Havering in quarter 2 of 2019-20 compared to the same time period in 2018-19.
The rolling 12 months total of 2380 DA Crimes from July 2017 to July 2018 to 2567 DA Crimes from July 2018 –July 2019, an increase of 7.8%.
The Sub-Committee was informed that the council was currently in the process of recruiting two additional Independent Domestic Violence advocates to support victims to access advice support, who are both due to start in post in Quarter 3.
3. Burglary
For the rolling 12 months from August 2018 to August 2018 there was a reduction from 2112 total burglary offences to 1975 total burglary offences, a reduction of 6.5%.
There had been an increase in total burglary in July of 58 incidents but in August a reduction in total burglary of 37 incidents.
The Sub-Committee was informed that the council continues to support the Police in providing crime prevention advice to residents and businesses in Havering through the use of e-newsletters, twitter, Facebook and Living in Havering.
It was noted that majority of residential burglaries continue to be through unlocked doors and windows.
4. Anti-Social Behaviour SB
There had been a rise in reported Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) to the Police over the summer period, with 677 reports in July 2019 and 641 in August 2019 , compared to 470 in July 2018 and 471 in August 2018.
The borough also recorded an increased number of traveller incursions this year compared to the previous year. However the Council secured an Injunction to tackle future incursions. A plan was currently being developed to tackle the projected increase in ASB over Halloween and Bonfire Night.
It was stated that the council was working closely with the Police to tackle ASB through the Monthly Tasking Enforcement group and provide support to frequent callers and victims of ASB via the monthly Community MARAC.
That the contents of the report, be noted.
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