Agenda item
Report of the Towns & Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Living Ambitions Topic Group
Councillor Andrew Curtin, Cabinet Member for Culture, Towns and Communities, introduced the report
Cabinet was informed that the Topic Group had conducted surveys of the Sports Development Service, the Libraries Service, the Havering Music School and the Parks Apprenticeship Scheme and had identified specific areas which would enhance the services provided to the community which included the following specific observations that:
The Library Service consider increasing the range and stock of large print books available in the libraries.
Support be provided by the Library Service to assist and facilitate reading group members who wish to take on the running of the groups themselves.
Cabinet ensure that current funding for the music school is continued as far as is possible.
Cabinet endorse the “buy-in” system of music school services as seen at Abbs Cross Music School.
Cabinet consider changing the signage in the Borough’s parks to match that of Cottons Park and also include the history of the relevant park within each entrance sign.
Reasons for the decision:
The report of the Living Ambitions Topic Group had been referred to Cabinet for consideration.
Other options considered:
No alternative had been considered.
Cabinet thanked the Topic Group for its thorough and informative investigation and NOTED its report and its recommendations
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