Agenda item
oneSource Interim CEO Report
The report before Members provided a strategic overview and update on key priorities and developments since the last meeting of the Joint Committee held in August 2018. Following discussions with partner councils a way forwarded had been drafted:
· That oneSource should continue in its current form as a shared service governed by a Joint Committee for the medium-term with the focus on improving the quality of services and satisfaction with them.
· That given the decision to retain a shared service rather than develop a company model that there should be a move away from oneSource as “brand” within the Councils in order to reinforce the message that the staff in the shared service are as much a part of the Council as any other in-house service. This approach to be reinforced within the partner Councils both politically and managerially so that staff in the shared service were seen as colleagues rather than as a “contractor.”
· That emphasis and culture within the shared service staff was to clearly understand the political and managerial priorities within each of the individual Councils and to work in that context rather than to work to “oneSource priorities”.
· That a detailed action plan be developed to highlight the priority areas for improvements either within individual services or relating to the priorities of individual Councils.
· To develop a clear set of performance measures that identify strategic priorities, key performance and quality indicators and satisfaction.
· To develop and deliver a further level of savings for the respective medium-term financial strategies of the partner councils.
· To be integral to the development and delivery of the respective improvement, transformation and modernisation programmes of the partner Councils.
Members agreed that further detailed work was required to support the development of the improvement and action plan and that it needed contributions from each of the partner authorities. It was recognised that each partner had its own transformation and improvement programme and that oneSource had to be responsive in delivering the back office support required to support those programmes. Discussion therefore also focussed on resourcing and expectations of how those demands could be met. It was therefore agreed that a workshop be held between the three partners to discuss such matters in more detail.
The report also detailed a revised set of Key Performance Indicators (as an attachment of the report) and the outcome of the most recent customer satisfaction survey (along with action plan) that was carried out in the spring 2018.
An update was also provided relating the financial position on the various oneSource budgets.
The Joint Committee agreed:
• To hold an informal workshop to discuss the overall strategy and key priorities for each of the three partner Council’s in respect of the services provided by oneSource and to determine an action plan for the effective delivery of those key priorities, along with performance monitoring;
· The financial position of the various oneSource budgets as detailed in the report;
• The position relating to the recruitment of the Director of Human Resources and Organisational development and the update relating to the future managerial leadership of the oneSource shared service.
Supporting documents:
- onesource CEO report, item 11. PDF 169 KB
- Appendix 1 oneSource Interim Managing Director's update, item 11. PDF 167 KB
- Appendix 2 KPIs, item 11. PDF 32 KB
- Appendix 3 Customer Satisfaction, item 11. PDF 731 KB