Agenda item

Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2012/13


Councillor Roger Ramsey, Cabinet Member for Value, introduced the report.


The report explained that the Council was required to receive and approve, as a minimum, three main reports each year, which incorporate a variety of polices, estimates and actuals.  These reports were required to be adequately scrutinised by committee before being recommended to the Council; a role which was undertaken by the Council’s Audit Committee.


The subject of the report before Cabinet members was the ‘Prudential and Treasury Indicators and Treasury Strategy’. The report covered the following areas:


·       the capital plans (including prudential indicators);

·       a Minimum Revenue Provision Policy (how residual capital expenditure was charged to revenue over time);

·       the Treasury Management Strategy (how the investments and borrowings were organised) including treasury indicators; and

·       an investment strategy (the parameters on how investments were managed).


The Treasury Management Strategy Statement, which incorporates the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and the Annual Investment Strategy, were attached as an appendix to the report.


Reasons for the decision:

The statutory Codes set out that the Council ought to approve a Treasury Management Strategy Statement, the Minimum Revenue Policy Strategy and the Annual Investment Strategy for 2012/13.


Other options considered:

There were no good reasons to depart from the provisions of the relevant Codes.




Recommended to Council that the Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS) which incorporates the Minimum Revenue Policy Strategy and the Annual Investment Strategy 2012/13, be approved.

Supporting documents: