Agenda item
OneSource 2016-17 Outturn Position and 2017-18 Early Indications
It was reported that the overall oneSource shared outturn position showed an underspend of £0.080m, split between £0.195m to Havering, £0.045m to Newham and £0.070m to Bexley. The Havering underspend had been transferred to its oneSource reserve held on the balance sheet. Newham had met its pressure by transferring in funding from its oneSource reserve (funded by prior years’ underspends). Bexley’s overspend had been offset by underspends elsewhere in the council.
The non-shared areas closed with the following variances:- Havering non-shared (£1.3m), Newham non-shared (£1.4m) and Bexley non-shared (£0.560).
It was also reported that the period 3 (2017/18) forecast outturn position for oneSource shared is £2.3m overspend; this was largely due to growth in demand for ICT services. This pressure is split between Havering, Newham and Bexley as follows; £1.044m to Havering, £1.092m to Newham and £0.190m to Bexley.
The period 3 forecasted outturn position for oneSource non-shared areas were Havering non-shared (£0.038m), Newham (£3.5m) and Bexley nil variance.
It was noted that as of period 3 (2017/18), Newham benefits and council tax services had moved out of Newham oneSource non-shared to Newham’s Communities directorate and would therefore no longer form part of the overall non-shared reporting position. It was not included in the early indications figures contained within the report before Members.
The Joint Committee: -
1. noted the 2016-17 oneSource outturn position;
2. noted the early indications derived from the 2017/18 period 3 forecasted position;
3. noted the transfer out Exchequer Services from Newham non-shared to Newham’s Communities directorate.
Supporting documents:
- Finance Report closure 1617 and early indications 1718 14th July PT, item 3. PDF 144 KB
- Finance Appendix 1, item 3. PDF 105 KB
- Finance Appendix 2, item 3. PDF 13 KB
- Finance Appendix 3, item 3. PDF 13 KB
- Finance Appendix 4, item 3. PDF 9 KB
- finance Appendix 5, item 3. PDF 98 KB
- finance Appendix 6, item 3. PDF 14 KB
- Finance Appendix 7, item 3. PDF 12 KB
- FInance Appendix 8, item 3. PDF 8 KB