Agenda item



The Sub-Committee had reconvened at 9.30am on Monday, 20th February 2017 to consider the evidence they had heard and to make a decision.


Having reached a decision in private the Sub-Committee had moved back in to open session at 11:15am to announce their decision.




In considering and making its decision, the Licensing Sub-Committee had regard to the Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003, the Council’s Licensing Policy and the promotion of the licensing objectives.


The Sub-Committee had noted the complaint received after the hearing last week that the Applicant had not been allowed sufficient time to present their application.


The applicant was legally represented and had been afforded nearly 2 hours to make their submissions. Mr Taylor for the applicant had been informed that he would be allowed 20 minutes after the lunch break to conclude his submissions. Mr Taylor did not complain of the lack of time at any time during the hearing.


The time taken by the responsible authorities was considerably less when addressing the Sub-Committee. In addition the police had been restricted to 20 minutes in asking questions and in making closing submissions.


The Sub-Committee having considered all submissions from responsible authorities and interested persons and having regard to the licensing objectives and statutory guidance granted the application subject to Conditions.


When determining the application for the premises licence, the Sub-Committee had in mind the past record of this festival and the serious concerns regarding crime, drugs and public nuisance. The Sub-Committee further had in mind the consumption of drugs in 2016, robberies and serious violent assaults. The Sub-Committee also considered the failings of security in 2016, the unhelpful attitude of security personal, and that those under the age of 18 years had previously gained access to the festival, public urination and general public nuisance.  The Sub-Committee gave due consideration to the submissions of the applicant and the changes to the Event Management Plan that were being made for 2017.  







The capacity of the event shall be limited to 24,999 inclusive of the campsite.



The capacity of the campsite shall be limited to 5,000, an identification scan shall be a condition of entry to the campsite and security numbers shall be confirmed and agreed with the Police by 31st March 2017.



All persons, equipment and vehicles shall be searched on entry including staff, security personnel and VIPS. The applicant shall deploy passive drug detection dogs at all entry points in consultation with the police.



CCTV to be installed at all points of entry and in search tents, except within enhanced search tents.



All security personnel shall be in possession of and in contact with event control via radio.



Dedicated teams of mobile car park security patrols shall be deployed at the event and security numbers shall be confirmed and agreed with the Police no later than 31st March 2017.



 CCTV shall be installed in all event tents and bars of suitable quality as approved by the police to identify offenders.



Mobile welfare teams, with visible uniform differentiating them from security or medical staff, shall be deployed for the event with radio contact in order to identify, monitor and assist with persons intoxicated through drink and or drugs. The numbers of welfare personnel to be confirmed and agreed with the police no later than 31st March 2017.



The DPS shall be a member of the applicant’s management team.



Identification scanning equipment shall be used as a condition of entry to the event for all persons that appear to be under the age of 25 in accordance with Havering Councils guidelines on Challenge 25.  Any persons not scanned shall have their photographs taken and a record made of their entry and the security supervisor permitting them entry. If there is a failure of the Identification Scanning Equipment, Event Control shall agree an alternative system for identification with the police.  The applicant shall use best endeavours to rectify any failure of the identification scanning equipment.  



There shall be a dedicated crime reporting tent in the main arena where a member of staff shall assist in reporting crime online utilising an online tool similar to the MPS online tool or a scheme such as Facewatch or its equivalent.



A steel shield be erected around the perimeter of the campsite and event and constantly monitored by security staff.



A designated member of staff shall be responsible for the emptying and packaging of amnesty bins in the presence of police officers, designated member(s) of staff shall identify themselves to police at event control at the start and conclusion of the festival.



Representatives from all security companies shall attend event control meetings.



There shall be a social media SPOC to be present in event control with social media updates shown on a separate screen in event control.



The CCTV Plan shall be agreed with police by 31st March 2017 and added to the Event Management Plan.



The Lighting Plan shall be agreed with police by 31st March 2017 and added to the Event Management Plan.



All bar staff shall be trained for their bar duties and for the sale of alcohol and shall not be permitted to sell alcohol until completion of training approved by the Licensing Authority.



There shall be no provision of late night refreshment in the premises after midnight except within the campsite.



There shall be no provision of late night refreshment within the campsite after 3am.



There shall be no sound systems in the bars area.



The layout of the premises shall be in accordance with Plan number 17/05 dated 1st February 2017. Any variations to the plan shall be approved by the police and the licensing authority.



Any person found in possession of drugs within the premises shall be removed from the premises and not allowed to re-enter at any time during the festival. The removal of persons shall be notified to the police.



Notices shall be displayed within the premises advertising the last train times from Upminster station and upon the website of the festival event.



Adequate notices shall be displayed upon the premises that individuals found to be in possession of drugs will be removed from the premises.



Free tap water shall be available at all bars upon request. Empty plastic bottles shall be permitted into the premises for drinking water from standpipes.



Details of occupancy and pyrotechnics shall be agreed with the Fire Service 6 weeks before the commencement of the Festival.



The traffic Management Plan shall be agreed with the Highways Department of the London Borough of Havering.




Supporting documents: