Agenda item

Corporate Performance Indicators


Cabinet considered the report of Pippa Brent-Isherwood, Assistant Director of Policy, Performance and Community, setting out the proposed Cabinet Performance Indicators 2017/18 which have been aligned to the Councils’ new vision and Strategic Priorities.


The Council’s new vision for the Borough was approved as part of the Council’s Budget at the Cabinet meeting on 8th February, 2017.  As a result of the new vision for Havering a new set of performance indicators have been developed which set out how the Council will measure progress in delivering the strategic outcomes.  These will be reported on a quarterly basis and through an annual performance report at the end of the year.


The new Vision for the Borough: Havering – Making a Greater London has four cross cutting strategic priorities:


·       Communities making Havering

·       Places making Havering

·       Opportunities making Havering

·       Connections making Havering.


Underpinning each of these priorities is a set of strategic outcomes and delivery statements which explain how each outcome will be achieved.  The new Corporate Performance Indicators have been designed to measure success in achieving and implementing delivery and outcomes.


Cllr Barrett referred to Appendix 1 of the report which details the full set of Corporate Performance Indicators for 2017/18.  These represent indicators which are in the control of the council together with others.  Increasingly, the Council is becoming co-dependent, establishing a role of partnership and influence.

In some areas this is a new way of working and there is a strong need for an outcome focused approach coupled with a need to set robust targets.


The timetable of Corporate Performance Reporting was noted at page 49 of the agenda.  Chairs of the OSSC will still be able to request information and indicators will be discussed at other forums and will be scrutinised by OFSTED for example.


The new performance indicators will reassure members that performance will continue to be monitored and shared.


Comments will be brought back to Cabinet in June after the matter is discussed and considered at the Overview and Scrutiny Board on 3rd May, 2017.


For the reasons set out in the report, Cabinet:


1.     Approved in principle the new list of Corporate Performance Indicators for 2017/18, subject to the consideration of comments made by the Overview and Scrutiny Board at its meetingon 3rd May, 2017.

2.     Delegated authority to the Lead Member for Adult Services and Health to sign off the final Corporate Performance Indicators relating to:

·       Reablement / rehabilitation;

·       Reported outcomes for residents delivered by commissioned voluntary and community sector services, and

·       Residents reporting good outcomes from their community (home care) service.

3.     Delegated authority to the Lead Member for the Environment to sign off the survey / engagement Performance Indicators for Environment Services.

4.     Agreed that Corporate Performance Reports be presented on a quarterly basis only to the Overview and Scrutiny Board and Cabinet, and be made available simultaneously to members of the Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committees.


Other options were considered in that the existing set of CPI’s could be retained but this would result in indicators not fully aligned with the Council’s overarching vision, strategic outcomes and priorities.  As a result that option was not recommended and was excluded.


Supporting documents: