Agenda item



The report before the Committee detailed proposals to introduce ‘At Any Time’ waiting restrictions on junctions and apexes of the bends in the area and the proposal to implement a Controlled Parking Zone operational Monday to Friday 8am to 6:30pm in the Margaret Road, Catherine Road and Hamilton Road.


The report informed the Committee that the responses to the recent stage 2 consultation highlighted that residents of the area had concern with long term non-residential parking in the area. This was due to its close proximity to Gidea Park Station and the ease of access to the Station via the alleyway at the end of Balmoral Road. Some of the long term parking may also be attributed to the local shops and businesses.


The report also noted that it had been observed that there was some school related parking taking place in these roads.


The general consensus was that there was a need for parking controls and residents were given the option of waiting restrictions or Residents Permit parking, with the majority of respondents electing for a Residents parking scheme, operational Monday to Friday 8am - 6.30pm. 


After the analysis of the results (Appendix E), there was a clear overall support for a scheme to be implemented in the following roads Catherine Road, Hamilton Road & Margaret Road. However it was felt that to omit Margaret Close from the scheme could cause significant parking displacement in this road so it was recommended that Margaret Close be included within the proposed controlled parking area.


The result of the consultation and a recommendation was presented to Ward Councillors and no objection was received.


In accordance with the public speaking arrangements the Committee was addressed by a resident who was in favour of the proposed scheme.


The resident stated that she had lived in the area for over 30 years, that the properties in the area had very small front gardens not sufficient for off street parking. The resident stated that the quality of life of local residents had been adversely impacted following the parking restrictions implemented in the Gidea Park area. The resident stated that commuters start to arrive in the area as early as 6am and do not depart until after 6pm. The resident noted that some local businesses and the conversion of a local property into a flatted development had also contributed to the parking problems.  


With its agreement Councillor Melvin Wallace addressed the Committee. Councillor Wallace stated that the area had long standing parking issues and that he agreed with the position of the speaker and was in support of the proposed scheme.


During a brief debate, a Member of the Committee stated that as Ward Councillors supported the proposal the Committee should recommend that the scheme be implemented.


Another Member commented that all day restrictions may not be required. The member advocated the implementation of more limited restrictions as a means of deterring commuter parking which could be kept under review.


The Committee considered the report and RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Regulatory Services and Community Safety that:


(a)  the ‘At Any Time’ waiting restrictions on the junctions and apexes of bends in the Margaret Road area (identified on the plan in Appendix D of the report) be implemented as advertised; and


(b)  that the Controlled Parking Zone operational Monday to Friday 8am to 6:30pm in the Margaret Road area (identified on the plan in Appendix D of the report) be implemented as advertised


Members noted that the estimated cost for the proposal in the Margaret, Lawrence and Clive Road area was £15,000, and would be met from the Capital Parking Strategy Investment Allocation 2016/17


The voting was 10 votes in favour to one abstention.

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