Agenda item

Quarter 1 Corporate Performance Report (2016/17)




1          Reviewed the levels of performance set out in Appendix 1 to the report and the corrective action that was being taken;


2          Approved the proposed changes to the performance targets set in relation to seven of the Corporate Performance Indicators and the proposed change to the tolerance level for one Corporate Performance Indicator;


3          Noted the work being undertaken to inform a more “outcomes focused” approach to performance indicators and performance monitoring for 2017/18 and


4          Noted the content of the Demand Pressures Dashboard attached as Appendix 2 to the report.



Councillor Clarence Barrett, Cabinet member for Financial Management, introduced the report


Members were reminded that the Corporate performance Report (CPR) provided an overview of the Council’s performance for each of its strategic goals (Clean, Safe and Proud).  The report highlighted areas of strong performance and areas for improvement.  The report used the traffic light (red, amber, green) (RAG) method of indicating direction of travel (improving, worsening or unchanged) in order to show this clearly.


The number of corporate performance indicators had reduced significantly since the last financial year from 83 at the end of Quarter 4 2015/16 to 56 in Quarter 1 2016/17.  This was to make the corporate performance report more focused on the indicators that were key to the delivery of the Corporate Plan 2016/17.  Of the 56 indicators included in the Quarter 1 report, 30 were required by government departments, three were reported to the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) and 23 were local performance indicators.  


Based on the outturn position for 2015/16 and performance during Quarter 1 2016/17, it was proposed that seven annual targets be changed from those signed-off by Cabinet in April 2016. These were listed in the report.


Given the financial implications of the Levy Waste Tonnage performance indicator, it was proposed that the tolerance for this be changed from ±10% to ±0%.  This would mean that this indicator would be given a ‘red’ or ‘amber’ RAG status if it did not achieve the quarterly or annual target in future reports, highlighting it to officers and Members as an issue


As approved by the Cabinet through the Quarter 2 2015/16 Corporate Performance Report, for 2016/17 onwards the quarterly and annual Corporate Performance Reports were being considered first by the individual overview and scrutiny sub-committees, then the Overview and Scrutiny Board (bi-annually only) and finally Cabinet.  This was to allow the Overview and Scrutiny Board to maintain oversight of the value the individual committees are added-in monitoring and influencing performance and also allowed Cabinet reports to reflect any actions the overview and scrutiny sub-committees might be taking to improve performance in highlighted areas. 


Whilst the PIs currently included in the CPR provided both Members and officers with vital performance information that could be used to improve services, they were currently not ‘outcomes focused’.  Information was provided about activities and actions, but not what impact these had on local residents and local communities.  This was currently being reviewed and results would be fed into the process to refine it in due course.


Reasons for the decision:


To provide Cabinet Members with an update on the Council’s performance for each of the strategic goals (Clean, Safe and Proud).


Other options considered:






1       Reviewed the levels of performance set out in Appendix 1 to the report and the corrective action that was being taken;


2       Approved the proposed changes to the performance targets set in relation to seven of the Corporate Performance Indicators and the proposed change to the tolerance level for one Corporate Performance Indicator;


3       Noted the work being undertaken to inform a more “outcomes focused” approach to performance indicators and performance monitoring for 2017/18 and


Supporting documents: