Agenda item


Updates will be given at the meeting.


Health O&S Sub-Committee


The Chairman advised that a new programme of work had been drawn up which was focussed more on outcomes for the Council. The Sub-Committee would be concentrating on the work of Accountable Care Organisation (ACO). The new work would look to add value to the processes of the Council. The Sub-Committee would also look to see how the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) was performing or not if the case.



Environment O&S Sub-Committee


The Chairman advised that the Sub-Committee had received a presentation on the changes to the Environment Service.


Enforcement and Safety had been combined, moving operational enforcement in to one area under the Head of Regulatory Services. Community Safety would commission enforcement based on intelligence.


The second area of change was the combining of the Highways and Parking Team in to one team with a new interim Manager. Parks, Open Spaces, Highway maintenance and StreetCare were being brought together in one team whilst Culture and Leisure would fall under the remit of the Chief Operating Officer.


Members noted that there would be a topic group set up to look at air pollution/quality in the future.



Individuals O&S Sub-Committee


The Chairman advised the Sub-Committee had received a presentation on the Healthwatch annual report for 21015/16.


The Sub-Committee had also received a presentation on the services provided by Family Mosaic in Havering.


The Chairman also advised that there was an overlap of some subjects with other Sub-Committees and that in future the Sub-Committee’s workplan would reflect the need for scrutiny in specific areas around Individuals.



Towns & Communities O&S Sub-Committee


The Vice-Chairman advised that the two topic groups looking at Anti-Social behaviour and the Green Belt were still on-going.


There had been presentations on the Friends of the Parks and library volunteers and discussions on the proposed re-development of Romford Market.



Crime & Disorder O&S Sub-Committee


An update was given by Councillor Williamson.


A new Detective Chief Inspector, Alan Moore, had been appointed in charge of CID.


Police priorities in the borough were domestic abuse and sex offenders and their management. The latest satisfaction survey carried out by the police showed an 88% level of satisfaction within the borough.


There had been a fall in the number of robberies that were committed in the borough which had fallen in line with the MOPAC 7 target.


The Sub-Committee had also been briefed on the Havering Repeat Victim Strategy which aimed to prevent repeat victims of scamming.


There was also to be a joint topic group with the Environment and Towns and Communities OSCs to look at illegal incursions.



Children & Learning O&S Sub-Committee


The Chairman advised that the educational attainment topic group would be meeting again in September and would be looking at school expansions, the Pupil Referral Unit re-configuration, apprenticeships and complaint/compliments that arose regarding Children services.


The Corporate Parenting Panel was now receiving reports of Child Sexual Exploitation cases and missing children and monitored how they re-integrated into society.



Debt Recovery Topic Group


Councillor Williamson advised that the topic group was continuing to look at all Council debt.


Members had been given an update on the collection rates for Council Tax and Business rates for 2015/16. The target collection rate of 97% had again been achieved.


The topic group was also concerned that the old existing debt had again increased to 19.7million.


Cabinet had agreed to implement the topic group’s recommendations in its interim report which would see the employment of four dedicated officers to tackle existing debts.


Business rates debt had decreased from £4.9million to £2.4million but there were some concerns that this had come about due to the writing off of debts and a report had been requested detailing how the debt had been reduced.


Councillor Morgon had been invited on to the topic group and was continuing to work with the other Members.



Other Business


It was agreed that a topic group be set up to look at procurement within the Council.


Councillors Kelly, White, Morgon and Hawthorn volunteered to be members of the topic group.


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