Agenda item

Overview & Scrutiny Board - Debt Recovery Topic Group Report


Councillor Clarence Barrett, Cabinet member for Financial Management, introduced the report


Cabinet was informed that the report contained the findings and recommendations which had emerged after the topic group scrutinised the subject selected by the Overview & Scrutiny Board in May 2015.


Members’ attention was drawn to the statement in the report which identified an outstanding debt in excess of £19 million.  They were reassured that this was not irrecoverable but contained a complex structure of debts which were being addressed on an on-going basis.


Whilst Cabinet accepted the report, it was somewhat critical of a lack of detail and the length of time the topic group had taken to complete its work, though it confirmed that oversight and management of scrutiny was a matter for the Overview and Scrutiny Board alone.


The work of the Debt Recovery Board was acknowledged and Cabinet accepted the findings of the topic group, though it noted that in future reports from any standing review topic group should refer its findings to the Debt Recovery Board not Cabinet.


Reasons for the Decision


Under the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, s. 122, Cabinet is required to consider and respond to a report of an Overview and Scrutiny Committee within two months of its agreement by that Committee or at the earliest available opportunity. In this case, Cabinet was required to do this at its meeting on 15 June 2016 as the scheduled meeting on 11 May 2016 was cancelled.  Cabinet was also required to give reasons for its decisions in relating to the report, particularly in instances where it decided not to adopt one or more of the recommendations contained within the report.


Alternative Options Considered


There were no alternative options.




1.            Noted the report of the topic group.


2.            Authorised the creation of a task force focussed solely upon recovering Council Tax debts over one year old.


3.            Agreed to the continuation of the Topic Group to maintain a review of Council Tax and, progressively, other Council debts for an indefinite period.                   


Supporting documents: