Agenda item



The report before Members outlined responses received to the informal parking consultation of the Lowshoe Lane Area controlled parking zone and recommended a further course of action.


The proposals to introduce a controlled parking zone or waiting restrictions in Lowshoe Lane and the surrounding roads followed a petition from local residents and requests from Councillors for action to be taken regarding inconsiderate or obstructive parking in the area.


The proposal was to install either a controlled parking zone or waiting restrictions with the intention to reduce the amount of non-residential parking and improve the accessibility of the carriageway.


In accordance with the public speaking arrangements the Committee was addressed by a resident who was objecting to the scheme with a response given by officers.


The resident stated that he had resided in the area for 40 years and that there were no parking issues in Rodney Way. The resident informed the Committee that the responses received in favour of the proposal related to the areas with the parking problem. The resident accepted that there were parking and accessibility issues caused by the increased amount of traffic drawn to the area in the morning and afternoon due to parents dropping and picking up children at St Patrick’s Catholic Primary school, and at weekends by people who attended Corpus Christi Catholic Church.


With its agreement Councillor Ray Best addressed the Committee.


Councillor Best commented that there had always been a major problem with parking and traffic along Lowshoe Lane. Councillor Best questioned whether it would be best for the road to be converted to operate ‘one way’ traffic. Councillor Best stated that much of the available parking in the road was being utiliased by a local car dealership. 


During the debate Members noted that there had been parking and accessibility issues caused by the increased amount of traffic drawn to the area and the activities of a car dealership.


A Member stated that the figures in the consultation did not indicate that local residents were in favour of a controlled parking zone; it was suggested that the questions in the survey were misleading.


Members of the Committee noted that ward councillors were in favour of the proposed scheme and that if the scheme were to be implemented it would be monitored.


Following a motion to extend the consultation to include proposals for the implementation of an all day waiting restriction and split waiting restrictions covering periods in the morning and afternoon it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Cabinet Member for Environment that:


a)            The area identified on the drawing titled Lowshoe Lane CPZ (reference: CPZ Option 3) detailed in Appendix D to the report be formally consulted re the introduction of a residents’ parking scheme and the introduction of pay and display parking in suitable locations;

b)            The consultation provides residents with the option of an all day restriction and split restrictions covering periods in the morning and afternoon;


c)            Following the formal consultation a further report detailing the responses received be reported back to the Committee to agree a further course of action.


Members noted that the estimated cost of the scheme was £1000 which would be funded from the 2016/17 Capital budget for Minor Traffic and Parking.


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