Agenda item

Corporate Performance Report - Q3 2015-16




1.            Reviewed the levels of performance set out in Appendix 1 to the report and the corrective action that was being taken, and


2.            Noted the content of the Demand Pressures Dashboard attached as Appendix 2 to the report.



Councillor Clarence Barrett, Cabinet member for Financial Management, introduced the report


Members were reminded that the Corporate Performance Report provided an overview of the Council’s performance for each of its strategic goals (Clean, Safe and Proud).   The report highlighted areas of strong performance and potential areas for improvement.


The report identified where the Council was performing well (Green) and not so well (Amberand Red).  The “RAG” ratings for 2015/16 were as follows:


A green arrow (é) meant that performance was better and a red arrow (ê) meant performance was worse.  An amber arrow (è) meant that performance had remained the same.


Reasons for the decision:


To provide Cabinet Members with an update on the Council’s performance for each of the strategic goals (Clean, Safe and Proud).


Other options considered:


There were no alternative options.




1.            Reviewed the levels of performance set out in Appendix 1 to the report and the corrective action that was being taken, and


2.            Noted the content of the Demand Pressures Dashboard attached as Appendix 2 to the report.


Supporting documents: