Agenda item

Corporate Plan 2016-17




1.         Approved the Corporate Plan 2016/17 and


2.         Delegated authority to the responsible Cabinet Members to approve a selection of additional customer satisfaction / outcomes focused corporate performance indicators for inclusion in the Corporate Plan early in the new financial year.



Councillor Clarence Barrett, Cabinet member for Financial Management, introduced the report


Cabinet was reminded that the Corporate Plan set out the Council’s mission statement: Clean | Safe | Proud and the activities that the Council proposed to undertake to ‘support our community’, ‘use our influence and ‘lead by example’ during the 2016/17 financial year. 


The Corporate Plan would be used to inform service planning and to ensure that the Council’s operational activities and measures were linked back to its overarching mission statement.  Members were also asked to note that the report front page contained a typographical error.  The report before them was not itself a key decision.


Reasons for the decision:


To provide the Council with a Corporate Plan for the forthcoming year based on its mission statement - Clean | Safe | Proud.


Alternative Options Considered


There were no alternative options.




1          Approved the planning guidance note (as set out in Appendix 1 to the report) for public consultation purposes;


2          Approved the use of the note on an interim basis as ‘good practice’ guidance to show the circumstances in which commuted sum payments to the Council might be appropriate in lieu of on-site / off-site provision pending formal adoption by Full Council;


3          Approved publication of the guidance note on the Council’s website as an interim guide pending formal adoption by Full Council; and


4          Noted that recommendations 1 and 2 notwithstanding, the current national planning legislation would continue to afford the policies in the Havering Local Development Framework (as part of the statutory Development Plan) greater weight than the guidance note in the formal planning decision-making process.


Supporting documents: