Agenda item
Housing Accommodation Plan - Review of Older Person's Housing Needs
- Meeting of Cabinet, Wednesday, 12th October, 2016 7.30 pm (Item 73.)
- View the background to item 73.
1. Noted the findings of the review of older persons’ future housing needs in Havering.
2. Noted the outcome of the consultations carried out at the sheltered housing schemes across Havering
3. Agreed the final recommendations for the provision of housing for older persons in Havering, and specifically agreed the recommendations for each scheme as detailed in Section 3 of the report.
4. Agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Housing Services, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, to make variations to or substitutions for disposal or alternative use of any of the schemes already in the Housing Development Programme subject to financial viability, full resident consultation and there being no need for additional capital investment beyond the existing programme budget.
Councillor Damian White, Cabinet member for Housing, introduced the report
Cabinet was reminded that the report followed the initial report considered by Members at an Executive Briefing held on the 6 June and reviewed on the 26 September at a further Executive Briefing.
In essence it embraced a thorough review of the housing needs of older people across the borough. At the Executive Briefing on the 6 June, officers were instructed to carry out consultation with residents of the sheltered schemes and to report back to Members the outcome of those consultations and any changes to the proposals for older persons’ housing in Havering. The report before Cabinet provided that information using which had been presented to the Executive Briefing meeting on the 26 September 2016.
The report was set within the overall statistical analysis of supply and demand data and conclusions which had been presented in the previous reports were attached as Appendices 8 and 9 to the current report, namely:
· There was a current and projected surplus of affordable sheltered schemes within the borough and that this was anticipated as likely to continue even with the projected growth in the number of older people living in Havering.
· There was a current and projected deficit in sheltered/retirement housing for lease and sale within Havering.
· There was a current and projected deficit of enhanced and extra care housing and dementia provision of all tenures within Havering.
Members were reminded that at Cabinet on 15 June 2016, a revised Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan (item 8) had identified funding for the redevelopment of 12 key estates owned by the HRA including the Sheltered Schemes identified within the current report.
Cabinet was informed that whilst the current report dealt with Older Persons’ Housing, it was also an integral part of the HRA Regeneration Project, (both elements made-up the overall plans for Housing Accommodation across the borough). That report followed and the two reports were to be considered as two aspects of the same programme though focused on different issues.
Reasons for the decision:
The over-supply of Council rented sheltered accommodation and the lack of older persons’ accommodation for sale needed to be addressed in order to ensure that the Council made best use of its assets, assist with the pressures facing social services care budgets and meet the future housing needs of older people in Havering.
Other options considered:
The option of not reducing the provision of sheltered accommodation was considered, but rejected, as it would not begin to address the difficulty of letting bedsits, un-lifted properties or with meeting the future housing needs of older people in Havering.
1. Noted the findings of the review of older persons’ future housing needs in Havering.
2. Noted the outcome of the consultations carried out at the sheltered housing schemes across Havering
3. Agreed the final recommendations for the provision of housing for older persons in Havering, and specifically agreed the recommendations for each scheme as detailed in Section 3 of the report.
4. Agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Housing Services, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing, to make variations to or substitutions for disposal or alternative use of any of the schemes already in the Housing Development Programme subject to financial viability, full resident consultation and there being no need for additional capital investment beyond the existing programme budget.
Supporting documents:
- Item 6 - Review of Older Persons Housing Report October 2016 FINAL CLEARED, item 73. PDF 818 KB
- Item 6a - Appendix 8- Review of Older Persons Housing October 2016, item 73. PDF 1 MB
- Item 6b - Appendix 9-Review of Older Persons Housing October 2016, item 73. PDF 691 KB